V. Croulard, J. Boichot, E. Godoy, N. Aymard, "An output feedback design for serie-parallel resonant converters", EPE'99.
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Article : [ART316]

Info : REPONSE 3, le 27/11/2002.

Titre : V. Croulard, J. Boichot, E. Godoy, N. Aymard, An output feedback design for serie-parallel resonant converters, EPE'99.

Cité dans :[99DIV076] EPE'99, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Suisse, 7-9 septembre 1999.
Cité dans : [DIV376]  Recherche sur l'auteur Emmanuel GODOY, septembre 2004.
Auteur : V. Croulard - (1)
Auteur : J. Boichot - (2)
Auteur : E. Godoy - (3)
Auteur : N. Aymard - (4)

Adresse : (1) Supélec, Service Automatique, Plateau de Moulon, 91192 Gif sur Yvette, France
Phone : 33 (0) 1 30 70 41 16
Fax : 33 (0) 1 30 70 46 70
Lien : mailto:Vincent.Croulard@supelec.fr
Adresse : (2) G.E Medical Systems, X-ray Generation Dpt, 283 rue de la Minière, 78533 Buc, France
Phone : 33 (0) 1 30 70 96 63
Fax : 33 (0) 1 30 70 46 70
Lien : mailto:jerome.boichot@med.ge.com
Adresse : (3) Supélec, Service Automatique, Plateau de Moulon, 91192 Gif sur Yvette, France
Phone : 33 (0) 1 69 85 13 75
Fax : 33 (0) 1 69 85 13 89
Lien : mailto:Emmanuel.Godoy@supelec.fr
Adresse : (4) G.E Medical Systems, X-ray Generation Dpt, 283 rue de la Minière, 78533 Buc, France
Phone : 33 (0) 1 30 70 97 81
Fax : 33 (0) 1 30 70 46 70
Lien : mailto:nicolas.aymard@med.ge.com

Lien : private/PP202.pdf - 641 Kb, 6 pages.
Source : EPE'99
Date : 7-9 septembre 1999
Pages : 1 - 10

Keywords : Switched gain, optimal output feedback, double resonant converter, variable sampling period

Abstract :
This paper deals with the control law using two switched gains and a discrete-time control signal
- with variable sampling period - of a double resonant DC/DC converter (non linear system used to
supply X-ray tube in medical imaging). It compares the optimal output feedback, whose algorithm is
detailed, to the more performing and classical optimal state space feedback.

Introduction :
Radiological medical imaging needs the use of very high voltages, typically 100kV, associated with
high power, up to 100kW. This kind of application uses high voltage transformers and resonant
converters whose operating frequencies are around some dozen kilohertz. This paper presents a study
made in collaboration between General Electric Medical Systems and the Control Department of
Supelec. This study led to a model of a double resonant DC/DC converter and a comparison between
two switched gains discrete-time controls with variable sampling period: the optimal state space
feedback and the optimal output feedback designs; the second one uses only output variables.

Conclusions :
This paper proposes a control design methodology for non linear systems with a variable sampling
period. More precisely, it details the algorithm of optimal output feedback. This method is compared
with a more classical optimal feedback one. We concluded that output feedback lead to lower
performances than state feedback but sufficient for lowend products.



References : 4
[1] : Y. Chéron Y., H. Foch, J. Salesses Study of a resonant Converter Using Power Transistors in a 25kW X-ray Power Supply, IEEE PESC, pp. 295-306, may 1985.
[2] : J. Laeuffer, T. Planas, D. Sadarnac Les convertisseurs à résonance et leur commande en imagerie médicale, Electronique de Puissance du futur, France, pp. 211-215 1996.
[3] : E. Godoy, J. Laeuffer, T. Planas, B. Lorcet, D. Sadarnac A Control analysis and closed loop design for series-parallel resonant converters, EPE’97- Trondheim, September 1997.
[4] : Pertti M. Makila On the Anderson-Moore Method for Solving the Optimal Output Feedback Problem, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-29, pp. 834-836, September 1984.



Source : 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. EPE'99 Brussels, Belgium: EPE Assoc, 1999. p.6 pp. of CD-ROM pp. 4 refs.
Conference : Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-9 Sept 1999
Sponsors : Eur. Power Electron. & Drives Assoc
Accession_Number : 2001:6803386 INSPEC

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