Article : [ART200]
Info : REPONSE 34, le 06/05/2002.
Titre : Design factors in optimisation of IGBT power module heatsinks, 1999.
Cité dans : [DIV334] Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.Auteur : Young, R.M.K. (AEA Technol. plc, UK)
Source : PCIM'99. Europe. Official Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth International Power Conversion Conference Nurnberg, Germany: ZM Commun. GMBH, 1999. p.653-9 of xiv+705 pp. 4 refs.
Conference : Nurnberg, Germany, 22-24 June 1999
ISBN : 3-928643-22-3
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical
Info : Country of Publication : Germany, Federal Republic of
Language : English
Stockage :
Switches : IGBT
Power :
Software :
Abstract :
Although for a wide range of applications, standard copper heatsink
technology is a well adapted and proven solution, a mechanism which can
limit the operating limits or life of IGBT power modules is the thermal
expansion mismatch stress between the heatsink and the dielectric layer.
These stresses may lead to fatigue cracking of the solder joint between
the baseplate and the dielectric layer. In the light of this, significant
reliability benefits are available with IGBT power modules in which
expansion matching between the dielectric and heatsink can reduce or
eliminate the mismatch stresses which arise during thermal cycling
experienced during operation. The need to provide expansion matching
combined with useful mechanical properties, high thermal conductivity and
preferably low density has lead to commercial development of SiC-Al metal
matrix composites (MMCs) which have been specifically developed and
optimised for this application. The paper reviews the key properties and
design factors associated with HIVOLTM MMC heatsinks with particular focus
on thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, shape
profiles and solderability performance which are all critical for
optimisation of performance. The use of thermal modelling techniques in
the design of an application specific heatsink for aircraft power systems
and which includes an integrated heatsink is discussed and the
implications for the build of a unit based on a MMC heatsink is
Accession_Number : 2000:6589653 INSPEC
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