Article : [99ART103]
Titre : SAKAMOTO K., FUCHIGAMI N., TSUNODA H., YANOKURA E., A fast-switching intelligent power MOSFET with thermal protection and negative gate protection, ISPSD'97, pp. 189-192, 26-29 May 1997.
Cité dans : [DIV137] Recherche sur les mots clés : FIABILIT* ou RELIABILITY, octobre 1999. Cité dans : [CONF007] ISPSD, Internationnal Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & Integrated CircuitsAuteurs : Sakamoto, K.; Fuchigami, N.; Tsunoda, H.; Yanokura, E. - Semiconductors & Integrated Circuits Div., Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Appears : in Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's, 1997. ISPSD '97., 1997 IEEE International Symposium on
Page : 189 - 192
Date : 26-29 May 1997
ISBN : 0-7803-3993-2, IEEE Catalog Number: 97CH36086, Total Pages: 375, Accession Number : 5703914
Lien : private/SAKAMOTO.pdf - 315 Ko.
Abstract :
Recently, thermal protection circuits have been added to power
MOSFETs to improve their reliability. However, integrating a
protection circuit into a power MOSFET causes parasitic bipolar
transistors to form. These parasitic bipolar transistors cause a
leakage that passes from the drain terminal to the gate terminal
when a negative gate voltage is applied against a source voltage.
Therefore, these MOSFETs cannot be used in a high-side switch
circuit without some form of negative gate protection. To solve
this problem, we proposed an intelligent power MOSFET with
built-in thermal protection and negative gate protection, which
we called the thermal FET. However, the switching speed of this
MOSFET is fairly slow because it includes a gate resistor of
about 5 to 10 k/spl Omega/ in its thermal shutdown circuit. Here,
we describe a fast-switching intelligent power MOSFET whose
switching speed is about two orders of magnitude faster than our
previous thermal FET. This was achieved by replacing the gate
resistor with a MOSFET. We also developed a new form of negative
gate protection for the additional MOSFET. We call this highly
reliable fast-switching intelligent power MOSFET an FS-Thermal
FET. The FS-Thermal FET can be used in the upper arms of H-bridge
circuits and high-side switch circuits, as well as in low-side
switch circuits, with this new form of negative gate protection.
Subjet_terms :
power MOSFET; fast-switching power MOSFET; intelligent power
MOSFET; thermal protection; negative gate protection; parasitic
bipolar transistors; high-side switch circuit; built-in
protection; FS-thermal FET; thermal shutdown circuit; H-bridge
circuits; low-side switch circuits
Reference_cited : 4
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