Article : [99ART041]
Titre : B. SHARIFIPOUR, J.S. HUANG, P. LIAO, L. HUBER, M.M. JOVANOVIC, Manufacturing and cost analysis of power-factor-correction circuits, proceeding of APEC '98, pp 490-494, vol.1, 15-19 february 1998.
Auteurs : Sharifipour, B.; Huang, J.S.; Liao, P.; Huber, L.; Jovanovic, M.M., Delta Electron. Inc., Chungli, Taiwan
Appears : in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1998. APEC '98. Conference Proceedings 1998., Thirteenth Annual
Pages : 490 - 494 vol.1
Date : 15-19 Feb. 1998
ISBN : 0-7803-4340-9, IEEE Catalog Number: 98CH36154, Total Pages: 2 vol. xxix+1178, Accession Number: 5863912
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/HUANG.pdf - 7 pages, 406 Ko.
Abstract :
This paper presents a comparative manufacturing (quality, performance, and reliability) and cost analysis of three
different power factor correction approaches which are commonly used in the power supply industry. The three approaches
evaluated in the paper are passive, active two-stage, and active single-stage power factor correction approaches.
The analysis is aimed at exposing the manufacturing and cost advantages and disadvantages of each circuitry at different
output power levels.
Subject_Terms :
power factor correction; power factor correction circuits; manufacturing; cost analysis; power supply industry;
circuitry; output power level; DC/DC power conversion; harmonics.
References_Cited : 7
[1] : [99ART032] R. REDL, L. BALOGH, Power-factor correction in bridge and voltage-doubler rectifier circuits with inductors and capacitors, proceeding of APEC'95, pp 466-472. [2] : [99ART030] M.M. JOVANOVIC, D.E. CROW, Merits and limitations of full-bridge rectifier with LC filter in meeting IEC 1000-3-2 harmonic-limit specifications, proceeding of APEC'96, vol. 1, pp 354-360. [3] : [99ART006] L.H. DIXON, J.-C. GUIGNARD, High power factor preregulators for off-line power supplies, Electronique de Puissance, Décembre 1989, N° 36, pp 32-43.
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