"Speed control of single-phase series commutator motors."
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Référence : [99ART020]

Titre : Speed control of single-phase series commutator motors.

Author : Daschler, A.

Publication_Source :
Elektrotechnik (Nov. 1976) vol.27, no.8, p.57-8. 0 refs.CODEN: EKTKD6 ISSN: 0013-581X
Document Type
Treatment Code
Country of Publication

Abstract :
The universalmotor is widely used in domestic appliances, portable tools, etc., because of
the torque/speed characteristic of this motor. A circuit comprising a thyristor, two diodes, a
potentiometer and two capacitors, which permits speed control with reduced speed droop in
universalmotors is described and its principle of operation is given.

Accession_Number : 77:1050404

INSPEC : Numéro de réponse 24

Cité dans : [DIV152]  Recherche sur les mots clés : UNIVERSAL MOTOR + SINGLE PHASE

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