Référence : [99ART019]
Titre : A single phase control unit for a mains quenched rectifier using the U 706 D.
Author : Graichen, G.; Grasshoff, P.; Niksch, D.
Publication_Source :
Radio Fernsehen Elektronik (1980) vol.29, no.10, p.627-31. 15 refs.CODEN: RFELB6 ISSN:
Document Type
Treatment Code
Application; Practical
Country of Publication
German Democratic Republic
Abstract :
Describes the thyristor control circuit U 706 D and the advantages it offers for
singlephase control units, deals with the singlephase mains synchronisation unit which
requires no filter, the analogue type delay unit for the control of the thyratron firing pulses,
the triggering signal for the firing pulses and the firing pulse output. Control units for a rotary
speed regulated DC drive and for a speed regulated drive reversing unit with a double
winding universalmotor are also described. In conclusion, a singlephase control unit
operating on the zero voltage (zero current) principle is discussed.
Accession_Number : 81:1732638
INSPEC : Numéro de réponse 22
Cité dans : [DIV152] Recherche sur les mots clés : UNIVERSAL MOTOR + SINGLE PHASE
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