A. SIVERT, F. BETIN, B. VACOSSIN, T. LEQUEU, M. BOSSON, "Optimization of the mass for a low-power electric vehicle and consumption estimator (e-bike, e-velomobile and e-car)", WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Vol. 12, 2015, pp. 105
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Article : [SHEET623]

Titre : A. SIVERT, F. BETIN, B. VACOSSIN, T. LEQUEU, M. BOSSON, Optimization of the mass for a low-power electric vehicle and consumption estimator (e-bike, e-velomobile and e-car), WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Vol. 12, 2015, pp. 105-114.

Cité dans : [DATA033] Liste des publications de Thierry LEQUEU et activités de recherche, octobre 2022.
Auteur : Arnaud Sivert (1)
Auteur : Franck Betin (1)
Auteur : Bruno Vacossin (1)
Auteur : Thierry Lequeu (2)
Auteur : M. Bosson

Adresse : (1) Laboratory for Innovative Technologies (L.T.I), Team Energy Electric and Associated System
Lien : mailto:arnaud.sivert@iut.u-picardie.fr

Adresse : (2) Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Tours, Département GEII, 37200 TOURS.

ISSN : 1790-1979
E-ISSN : 2224-3410
Volume : 12
Date : 2015
Pages : 105 - 114
Lien : http://wseas.org/wseas/cms.action?id=10176
Lien : http://www.wseas.org/multimedia/journals/education/2015/a225810-158.pdf
Lien : private/SIVERT-16.pdf - 10 pages, 670 Ko.

Vers : Bibliographie

Abstract :
The design and optimization of the motor vehicle is a multidisciplinary problem that must consider the average speed, average elevation, resistive power, vehicle mass, luggage mass, motor mass, aerodynamics, performance, mechanical constraints, etc.
The search to minimize cost and maximize autonomy adds to the difficulties of making technology choices.
In recent years, the e-bike and e-motorcycle are marketed but what is optimal based on the weight of the battery and motor?
What is the potential average speed without using the electric motor? What are the performances (consumption and acceleration) of a vehicle based on the added mass?
What will be the autonomy of an e-bike based on its mass?
To answer these questions, the actual performance of an e-bike and a fully faired e-velomobile along with the optimization coefficients will be presented.
This e-velomobile provides a range of about 200 km at an average speed of 50 km/h for a mass of 50kg including the electric motor and a fairing that also provides protection against inclement weather.
This e-velomobile is a single-passenger vehicle for someone up to 100kg plus 30 kg of luggage.
Electric power consumption is only €1 per 2000 km and the charging time is one hour on a standard outlet.
On a long route, average speed depends on the average grade of the road.
Therefore, a consumption estimator can be used to determine the average speeds the vehicle can achieve without the risk of running the batteries empty.
The electric bike is an excellent educational tool because all students can use it without any safety issues.
When pedaling, the student can identify with the motor drive and understand the meaning of torque, speed and power.

Keywords : Mass optimization, Eco Marathon Challenge, Motor power, Lithium battery, Project-based teaching, Energy management, e-bike, e-velomobile, electric car, Consumption estimator, Autonomy



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