M. FELDVOSS, H. AMANN, H. STUT, L. LORENZ, "The application of an IGBT in a power electronic circuit", PCIM '91 Europe.
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Info : INSPEC Answer Number 18 - 13/01/2000

Titre : M. FELDVOSS, H. AMANN, H. STUT, L. LORENZ, The application of an IGBT in a power electronic circuit, PCIM '91 Europe.

Cité dans :[99DIV127] Recherche sur l'auteur Leo LORENZ, janvier 2000.
Auteur : Feldvoss, M.; Amann, H.; Stut, H.; Lorenz, L. (Semicond. Group, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany)

Source : PCIM '91 Europe. Official Proceedings of the Twentysecond International Power Conversion (PCIM) Conference
Lieu : Nurnberg, Germany: ZM Commmun, 1991. p.475-89 of vii+512 pp. 5 refs.
Date : 25-27 June 1991
Info : Country of Publication : Germany - Language : English.

Abstract :
The insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is the power
semiconductor component for future power electronic systems. There
are now a number of different IGBT design versions which differ in
terms of their current and voltage ranges as well as their
electrical performance. The authors describe the most important
electrical parameters of these transistors and analyze them with
regard to a certain range of applications. In addition, a method for
determining power loss is outlined and further developments

Accession_Number : 1992:4297533

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