"A new encapsulating method for semiconductor devices using resin sheets.
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Article : [ART497]

Info : REPONSE 530, le 29/03/2004.

Titre : A new encapsulating method for semiconductor devices using resin sheets.

Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.
Auteur : Ota, H.
Auteur : Fujieda, S.
Auteur : Okuyama, T.
Auteur : Yoshizumi, A. (Lab. VII, Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki, Japan)

Source : 1995 Japan IEMT Symposium. Proceedings of 1995 Japan International Electronic Manufacturing Technology Symposium (Cat. No.95CH35994)
New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1996. p.369-72 of xvi+480 pp. 0 refs.
Conference: Omiya, Japan, 4-6 Dec 1995
Sponsor(s): Steering Committee of 1995 Japn IEMT Symposium; IEEE Tokyo Sect.; Tokyo Chapter of IEEE CPMT Soc.; Found. Adv. Int. Sci.; IEICE; IEE of Japan; Microelectron. Soc.-Japan; Japan Inst. Interconnecting & Packaging Electron. Circuits; Soc. Instrum. & Control Eng.; Japan Soc. Precision Eng.; Japan Welding Soc.; Japan Technol. Transfer Assoc.; Japan Electron. Mater. Soc.; Japan Soc. Applied Phys.; Soc. Polymer Sci., Japan; Japan Inst. Metals; Ceramic Soc. Japan; Optoelectron. Ind. & Technol. Dev. Assoc.; Electrochem. Soc. Japan; IEEE Electron. Device Soc. Tokyo Chapter; SEMI, Japan; LEOS-Laser Opt. Soc. Tokyo Chapter
ISBN: 0-7803-3622-4
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical; Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
This paper describes a new encapsulating method using resin sheets. In this method, uncured resin sheets are placed on both sides of semiconductor chip, and inserted into heated molds. The resin sheets placed on the chip are fused and fill up the mold cavity. Then the resin is cured. This method is very suitable for fabricating packages which are as thin as 0.3 mm. Such thin model packages achieved high reliability under pressure cooker test and thermal cycle test.

Accession_Number : 1996:5455496 INSPEC

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