"Lessons learned about fabrication of space solar arrays from thermal cycle failures.
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Article : [ART496]

Info : REPONSE 513, le 29/03/2004.

Titre : Lessons learned about fabrication of space solar arrays from thermal cycle failures.

Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.
Auteur : Blake, I.N., III (Space Syst./Loral, Palo Alto, CA, USA)

Source : Conference Record of the Twenty Fifth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1996 (Cat. No.96CH35897)
New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1996. p.329-32 of 1554 pp. 3 refs.
Conference: Washington, DC, USA, 13-17 May 1996
Sponsor(s): IEEE Electron Devices Soc
Price: CCCC 0 7803 3166 4/96/$5.00
ISBN: 0-7803-3166-4
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
Lessons have been learned about the fabrication of space solar arrays manufactured at different facilities from thermal cycle failures. One solar array facility had a design with aluminum facesheets that had a significant number of solar cell strings which had open-circuited failures during early on-orbit thermal cycling due to improper cell rework involving both coverglass adhesive encapsulation of interconnect stress relief areas and cell adhesive contamination of interconnect n-bar solder joints. Another solar array facility had a solar array with 8% of the replaced solar cells "blowing out" with an outward force during acceptance level thermal vacuum cycle testing due to inadequate cell replacement processes. A solar array design with anodized aluminum backside facesheets was found to have anodize flaking off after being subjected to thermal cycling, which significantly lowered the emissivity of the array's back surface. The cause of the thermal cycle failures, analysis and test results, and corrective action to prevent future thermal cycle failures are presented.

Accession_Number : 1997:5513703 INSPEC

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