J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, "High power IGBT modules: thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of the solder joints", 2000.
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Article : [ART198]

Info : REPONSE 23, le 06/05/2002.

Titre : J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, High power IGBT modules: thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of the solder joints, 2000.

Cité dans : [DIV334]  Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.
Cité dans : [DIV289]  Recherche sur l'auteur Christian ZARDINI, juillet 2004.
Cité dans : [DIV441]  Recherche sur l'auteur Eric WOIRGARD, juillet 2004.
Auteur : Thebaud, J.-M.
Auteur : Woirgard, E.
Auteur : Zardini, C. (Lab. IXL, Bordeaux I Univ., Talence, France)
Auteur : Sommer, K.-H.

Source : IWIPP 2000. International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (Cat. No.00EX426) Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2000.
Pages : 79 - 83 of xii+105 pp.
Références : 7 refs.
Conference : Waltham, MA, USA
Date : 14-15 July 2000
Sponsor(s) : IEEE; CPMT; Power Sources Manuf. Assoc.; IMAPS; pels; CPES; HiDEC; IAS IEEE Ind. Applications Soc
Price : CCCC 0 7803 6437 6/2000/$10.00
ISBN : 0-7803-6437-6
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical; Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
Stockage :
Switches : IGBT modules
Power :
Software :

Abstract :
Extensive accelerated aging tests have been carried out with
representative test structures in order to evaluate the thermal fatigue
resistance of five solder alloys intended for high power IGBT modules.
With regard to the chip-to-substrate samples, Pb-free preforms have given
excellent results since the thermal impedance of these hybrid assemblies
has hardly changed during thermal cycling, even after 2000 shocks between
+125 degrees C and -55 degrees C (less than 5%). The best results have
been clearly obtained with the finest solder microstructures. In addition,
the analysis of the results has led to an evaluation of the acceleration
factor of the thermal fatigue tests. Finally, SEM observations of
cross-sectioned samples have shown crack propagation during thermal
cycling which is responsible for the increased thermal impedance. However,
with regard to substrate-to-baseplate samples, the best results have been
obtained with a Pb-bearing solder alloy strongly subject to coarsening
during thermal cycling. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that fast
cooling can cut crack growth rate in the solder joints by half. In
addition, EDX analyses have shown copper diffusion all over the solder
joint when the DBC (direct bonded copper) substrate is not nickel-plated,
which seems to slightly improve its fatigue resistance. Finally, these
experiments have shown that fine solder microstructures do not necessarily
lead to good fatigue performances at high levels of stress or strain.

Accession_Number : 2000:6778284 INSPEC

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