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Journal Citation Reports(R)

ISI(R) publishes the Journal Citation Reports (JCR(R)), which provides a systematic and objective means of determining the relative importance of science and social sciences journals within their subject categories.

Citation data offer a unique view of primary research journals, one that is objective and quantifiable. Because only ISI includes the cited references of every article it indexes, only ISI can provide such valuable information.


- Understanding the JCR: A Series (essay)
- Editions Available
- Formats Available: JCR Web Now Available!
- Product Features/Benefits
- Download Free Demo
- What the JCR Tells You
- Practical Applications
- Technical Specifications
- Ordering Information

Editions Available

The JCR is available in two versions. Whether you need current citation data in the sciences or social sciences, you will receive comprehensive coverage of the most scholarly, peer-reviewed research journals in the world. Each edition is published annually in the fall following the year of coverage.

Science Edition

The JCR Science Edition provides citation data on nearly 5,000 leading science journals. It is compiled from the complete ISI database that includes topics from Agriculture to Zoology.

Social Sciences Edition

The JCR Social Sciences Edition provides citation data on approximately 1,700 leading social sciences journals. It is compiled from the complete ISI database that includes topics from Anthropology to Women's Studies.

Formats Available

JCR(R) Web

Published annually. Subscription includes access to one annual issue covering the prior year's data.

- download a demo


Published annually. Subscription includes one annual issue covering the prior year's data.

- download a demo


JCR data is available on microfiche and is published annually. Subscription includes one annual issue covering the prior year's data. Back-year issues are available through 1989 (while supplies last).

Product Features/Benefits

Web and CD-ROM Features:

  • five primary data fields with sort and filter options

    - Total Cites indicates the total number of times that each journal has been cited in a given year
    - Impact Factor measures the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year
    - Immediacy Index is a measure of how quickly the average article in a specific journal is cited
    - Articles shows the number of articles published in the year of coverage
    - Cited Half-life reflects the ongoing use of a particular journal

  • capability to manipulate, not just read, data
  • context-sensitive tutorial within the online help system
  • option to download JCR records to your own databases

    Enhanced Demonstration Program Available

The demonstration program for JCR Web and the CD-ROM format includes an instructional section that takes you on a guided tour highlighting all major product features. Using real data, you will see the development of a sample journal analysis including detailed explanations of the statistical calculations available via the product.

- This demo runs on Windows(R)
- download a demo

- This demo runs on Windows(R)
- download a demo

What the JCR Tells You

With the JCR, you will be able to answer many important questions about the current literature, such as:

What journals are most frequently cited? The JCR ranks journals by the number of times they are cited in a given year, providing an international assessment of journals by scholars who have responded to the items published.

What journals have the highest impact? The JCR reports the average number of cites that recently published articles in a journal receive in a given year, revealing relative importance among journals, especially those in the same or similar fields.

What are the hottest journals? The JCR reports the average number of times a journal's current articles are cited in the same year they are published (Immediacy Index), indicating journals that are publishing the latest research in fast-moving specialties.

What are the largest journals? The JCR conveniently ranks journals by the number of articles published in the current year, enabling users to review journal size and track trends within particular specialties.

Practical Applications

Professionals will use JCR information daily for a broad range of practical purposes.


  • manage journal collections
  • budget for subscriptions


  • assess effectiveness of editorial policies and objectives
  • track the standing of their journals


  • monitor their competitors
  • identify new publishing opportunities
  • make decisions regarding current publications


  • identify journals in which to publish
  • confirm the status of journals in which they have published
  • identify journals relevant to their research

Information analysts:

  • track bibliometric trends
  • study the sociology of scholarly and technical publication
  • study citation patterns within and between disciplines

Technical Specifications (Web)

*Note: Proper functioning of all ISI products will be dependent on the customer's utilization of Year 2000 compliant hardware and software. It is important that our customers analyze their own environments to ensure the ability to adapt to the century change








Browser / Internet

Netscape 3.0x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0x; Internet access

Users must have standard browser support with the minimum functionality of Netscape 2.2 or higher or Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher and will need to provide the Internet connections. ISI will provide a layered server software architecture consisting of a high-end text retrieval engine and CGI applications.

Technical Specifications (CD-ROM)

*Note: Proper functioning of all ISI products will be dependent on the customer's utilization of Year 2000 compliant hardware and software. It is important that our customers analyze their own environments to ensure the ability to adapt to the century change.

Windows(R) CD
CPU* 486DX/66 MHz Pentium or better
RAM Free 4 MB 8 MB or more
Hard Disk Drive MB Free 11 MB
Monitor 640x480
Operating System* DOS 6.x and Windows 3.1x DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1x
CD ROM Drive 1
Other Mouse


**MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions, Foreign File Access and ISO 9660 File Access are supplied by CD-ROM manufacturers.

Copyright ©2000 Institute for Scientific Information(R)