II.1 |
2:00 pm invited |
CdZnTe and
CdTe detectors in nuclear medicine: C. Scheiber,
NM Service, Institut de Physique Biologique, 4 Rue
Kirschleger, 67085 Strasbourg Cedex, France. |
II.2 |
2:30 invited |
detection of radiolabeled compounds using a hand held
gamma probe: M. Ricard, Institut Gustave-Roussy
and U494 INSERM, 94805 Villejuif, France. |
II.3 |
3:00 |
CZT pixel
detector modules for medical imaging and nuclear
spectrometry: U. El-Hanany, A. Shahar, A.
Tsigelman, IMARAD Imaging Systems Ltd, PO Box 2489,
Rehovot 76124, Israel. |
II.4 |
3:15 |
Sentinel node
in cancer diagnosis with
" Europrobe " system: P. Fougčres1,
A. Kazandjian1, M. Ricard2, V. Prat1
and H. Simon1, 1EURORAD
Inc., BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France ; 2Institut
Gustave-Roussy and U494 INSERM, 94805 Villejuif, France. |
II.5 |
3:30 |
and experimental sensitivity of HgI2, PbI2
and CdZnTe single crystal detectors to radiological X
rays: M. Schieber1,2, H. Hermon3,
A. Zuck1, A. Vilensky3, L. Melekhov1,3,
R. Shatunovsky3, E. Meerson3 and H.
Saado1,3, 1Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel; 2also
at Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore CA 94550,
USA ; 3Real Time
Radiography Readout, Malkha Technological Park, Jerusalem
91487, Israel. |
II.6 |
3:45 |
with pixelated CdZnTe gamma detectors Experiment
versus theory: A. Shor, Y. Eisen, and I. Mardor, Applied
RadiationTechnologies Division, Soreq NRC, Yavne 81800,
Israel. |
II.7 |
4:00 |
performance of CdZnTe imaging detector prototypes: B.
Ramsey1, D.P. Sharma1, J. Meisner1,
V. Gostilo2, V. Ivanov2, A.
Loupilov2, A. Sokolov2, H. Sipila3,
1Space Science Department, Marshall
Space Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, USA ; 2Baltic
Scientific Instruments, Ganibu dambis 26, PO Box 33, 1005
Riga, Latvia ; 3Metorex
International Oy, Nihtisillanskuja 5, 02631 Espoo,
Finland. |
II.8 |
4:15 |
A new design
for a high resolution, high efficiency CZT gamma camera
detector: C. Mestais, N. Baffert, J.P. Bonnefoy,
A. Chapuis, A. Koenig, O. Monnet, P. Ouvrier Buffet, J.P.
Rostaing, F. Sauvage, L. Verger, LETI
(CEA-Technologies Avancées), CEA/GRE, 17 Rue des
Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. |
II.9 |
4:30 |
and detection performance of thick GaAs crystals for
nuclear medicine applications: E. Bertolucci1,
M.G. Bisogni2, U. Bottigli2, A.Cola3,
M. Conti1, M.E. Fantacci2, P.
Maestro2, G. Mettivier1, F.
Quaranta3, V. Rosso2, P. Russo1,
A. Stefanini2, L. Vasanelli3; 1Dipartimento
di Scienze Fisiche dellUniversita Federico II
and Sezione INFN, Napoli, Italy ; 2Dipartimento
di Fisica dellUniversita and Sezione INFN,
Pisa, Italy; 3C.N.R.-I.M.E and
Sezione INFN, Lecce, Italy. |
II.10 |
4:45 |
Study of
THM-CdTe monolithic nuclear detectors matrix: M.
Hage-Ali, A. Zumbiehl, J.M. Koebel, R. Régal, C. Rit, M.
Ayoub and P. Siffert, CNRS/PHASE, BP 20, 67037
Strasbourg Cedex 2, France. |
IV.1 |
2:00 pm invited |
of semiconductor based X-ray detectors in space research
projects: M. Bavdaz, Space Science Department
of ESA, ESTEC, PO Box 299, 2200AG Noordwijk, The
Netherlands. |
IV.2 |
2:30 invited |
CdTe based
telescopes for X- and gamma-ray astronomy: E. Caroli,
N. Auricchio, W. Dusi, J.B. Stephen, Istituto
TESRE/CNR, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy. |
IV.3 |
3:00 |
results from CdZnTe and CdTe detector modules developed
for the Swift Medium Explorer mission: A.M. Parsons1,
S.D. Barthelmy1, L. Barbier1, F.
Birsa1, J. Dumonthier1, N. Gehrels1,
D. Palmer1,2, M. Smith1, S.J.
Snodgrass1,3, C.M. Stahle1, J.
Tueller1 and G. Winkert1, 1NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771,
USA ; 2Universities Space
Research Associates, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA ; 3Raytheon
STX, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. |
IV.4 |
3:15 |
silicon tracker: an advanced gamma and X-ray detector for
space: M. Prest, on behalf of the AGILE
Collaboration (CNR Bologna, CNR Milano, CNR Roma, INFN
and University of Rome " Tor
Vergata ", INFN and University of Trieste,
Italy), INFN Trieste, Laboratori Area di Ricerca,
Adriciano 99, 34012 Trieste, Italy. |
IV.5 |
3:30 |
The X-ray
imager on AXO: C. Budtz-Jřrgensen, I. Kuvvetli,
V. Reglero, C. Eyles, Danish Space Institute, Juliane
Maries Vej 30, 2100 Copenhagen Ř, Denmark. |
3:45 |
V.1 |
4:00 invited |
X-ray imaging
with PbI2 based a-Si :H flat panel
detectors: K.S. Shah1, R.A. Street2,
Y. Dmitriyev1, P. Bennett1, L.
Cirignano1, M. Klugerman1, M.R.
Squillante1 and G. Entine1, 1Radiation
Monitoring Devices Inc., 44 Hunt Street, Watertown, MA
02472, USA ; 2Xerox Parc,
Palo Alto, CA, USA. |
V.2 |
4:30 |
of mercuric iodide radiation detectors: L. van den
Berg and R. Vigil, Constellation Technology
Corporation, 9887 Bryan Dairy Road, Suite 100, Largo, FL
33777, USA. |
V.3 |
4:45 |
On technology
and performance of SAMO: X- and gamma-ray 32 pixel line
detector based on semi-insulating GaAs and InP: F.
Dubecký1, J. Darmo1, M.
Krempaský1, M. Sekácová1, B.
Zatko1, V. Necas 2, P.G.
Pelfer3, R. Senderák4, M. Somora5
and P. Hudek6, 1Institute
of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava 84239, Slovakia; 2Department
of Nuclear Physics and Technique, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University
of Technology, Ilkovicova 3, Bratislava 81519, Slovakia; 3Department
of Physics and INFN, University of Florence, Largo E.
Fermi 2, Florence 50125, Italy; 4Institute
of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta
9, Bratislava 84238, Slovakia; 5Department
of Hybrid Microelectronics, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics, Technical University, Park
Komenského 2, Kocice 04389, Slovakia; 6Institute
of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská
cesta 9, Bratislava 84237, Slovakia. |
V.4 |
5:00 |
on semi-insulating GaAs detectors using laser induced
current pulses: E. Bertolucci1,
M. Conti1, G. Mettivier2, M.
Quattrocchi1, P. Russo1, A.
Cola3, F. Quaranta3, L. Vasanelli3,
M.G. Bisogni4, U. Bottigli4, M. E.
Fantacci4, 1Dipartimento
Scienze Fisiche, Univ. Federico II and INFN, Napoli,
Italy; 2INFM, Napoli, Italy; 3CNR-IME
and INFN, Lecce, Italy; 4Dipartimento
di Fisica, Universita' and INFN, Pisa, Italy |
V.5 |
5:15 |
X-ray detector: N.A. Vlasenko1, E.Yu.
Braylovsky2, P.E. Berdnichenko2,
S.V. Berdnichenko2, Ya.F. Kononets1,
Yu. A. Tsirkunov3, L.I. Veligura1
and V.P. Kladko1, 1Institute
of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, 41 Prospekt Nauki, 252028 Kyiv, Ukraine; 2Institute
for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, 47 Prospekt Nauki, 252028 Kyiv, Ukraine; 3Special
Technological and Design Office of ISP, NAS of Ukraine, 4
Lisogorskaya, 252028 Kyiv, Ukraine |
V.6 |
5:30 |
Noise and
interpixel dead space studies of GaAs pixellated
detectors: L. Abate, E. Bertolucci, M. Conti, M.C.
Montesi, P. Russo, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche,
Universita' di Napoli Federico II and INFN, Napoli,
Italy. |
VI-A.1 |
8:30 am invited |
and applications of portable XRF units based on
thermoelectrically cooled semiconductor detectors: A.
Markowicz and A. Tajani, International Atomic
Energy Agency, Agencys Laboratories Seibersdorf,
2444 Seibersdorf, Austria . |
VI-A.2 |
9:00 |
verification of short cooling time (< 1 yr.) KANUPP
irradiated fueld bundles using room temperature
semiconductor detectors.: A. Iqbal1, R.D. Arlt2,
A. Birnbaum3, A. Hiermann2, V.
Ivanov4 and Kim Sok Su2, 1Karachi
Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP), PO Box 3183, Karachi 75400,
Pakistan ; 2International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria ; 3GBS-Elektronik
GmbH, Dresden, Germany ; 4RITEC
Ltd, Riga, Latvia. |
VI-A.3 |
9:15 |
How to
process best gamma spectra of CdTe and CdZnTe
detectors ?: R. Arlt1, A. Derbin2,
A. Khusainov2, V. Muratova2 and O.
Mouratov2, 1International
Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400
Vienna, Austria ; 2St.
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia. |
VI-A.4 |
9:30 |
Use of CdZnTe
detectors to analyze gamma emission of safeguards samples
in the field: K.-H. Czock, R. Arlt, International
Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400
Vienna, Austria. |
VI-A.5 |
9:45 |
of cadmium zinc telluride detector spectra
Application to the analysis of spent fueld spectra: P.
Mortreau and R. Berndt, Joint Research Centre
Ispra, ISIS/SaVeTech, Via Fermi, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy. |
VI-A.6 |
10:00 |
identification software for gamma spectra taken with
CdZnTe detectors: J. Brutscher1, R.
Arlt2 and K.-H. Czock2, 1GBS
Elektronik GmbH, Postfach 510119, 01314 Dresden,
Germany ; 2International
Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400
Vienna, Austria. |
10:15 |
VI-B.1 |
10:30 invited |
spectrometry with CdTe and CdZnTe detectors Recent
achievements in international safeguards applications: M.
Aparo, R. Arlt, International Atomic Energy
Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna,
Austria. |
VI-B.2 |
11:00 invited |
Methods for
evaluating and analyzing CdTe and CdZnTe spectra: R.
Gunnink1 and R. Arlt2, 1Consultant,
4607 Montecarlo Park Court, Fremont, CA 94538, USA ;
2International Atomic Energy
Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna,
Austria. |
VI-B.3 |
11:30 |
catalogue of gamma spectra taken with CdTe and CdZnTe
detectors: R. Arlt1, M. Aparo1,
H. Boeck2, H. Zwickelstorfer2, 1International
Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400
Vienna, Austria ; 2Atominstitut
der Österreichischen Universitäten, Stadionallee 2,
1020 Vienna, Austria. |
VI-B.4 |
11:45 |
thermoelectrically cooled X/gamma-ray detectors and
electronics: R.H. Redus, A.C. Huber, J.A.
Pantazis, Amptek, Inc., 6 De Angelo Dr., Bedford, MA
01730, USA. |
VI-B.5 |
12:00 |
CVD diamond
gamma dose rate monitor for harsch environment: A.
Brambilla, D. Tromson, N. Aboud, P. Bergonzo, F.
Foulon, LETI (CEA-Technologies Avancées),
DEIN/SPE-CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France. |
VI-B.6 |
12:15 |
applications of charge coupled devices: E.J. Harris, G.J.
Royle, M.J. Mooney and R.D. Speller, Department of
Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College
London, 11-20 Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JA, UK. |
12:30 |
VII.1 |
2:00 pm invited |
CdZnTe detectors: T.H. Prettyman, K.D. Ianakiev
and M.K. Smith, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Safeguards Science and Technology, MS E540, Los Alamos,
NM 87545, USA. |
VII.2 |
2:30 invited |
performance of newly designed CdTe detectors: N.
Auricchio1, E. Caroli1, A. Donati1,
W. Dusi2, P. Fougčres3, M.
Hage-Ali4, G. Landini1, E.
Perillo5 and P. Siffert4, 1Istituto
TESRE/CNR, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy; 2Istituto
TESRE/CNR and Sezione INFN, Via Gobetti 101, 40129
Bologna, Italy; 3EURORAD II-VI,
BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France ; 4CNRS/PHASE,
BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France ; 5Dip.
Di Scienze Fisiche, Universitŕ " Federico
II " and Sezione INFN, Via Cintia, 80126
Napoli, Italy. |
VII.3 |
3:00 |
resolution of large square CdTe p-i-n detectors with
charge loss correction: A. Kh. Khusainov1,
T.A. Antonova1, R. Arlt2, V.V.
Lysenko1, R.K. Makhkamov1, V.F.
Morozov1 and A.G. Ilves1, 1St.
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Semiconductor
Detectors Department, Orlov Grove, Gatchina, 188350 St
Petersburg, Russia ; 2International
Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, 1400
Vienna, Austria. |
VII.4 |
3:15 |
on 3-D position sensitive semiconductor gamma-ray
spectrometers: Z. He, W. Li, G.F. Knoll, D.K. Wehe
and Y.F. Du, Department of Nuclear Engineering and
Radiological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109, USA. |
VII.5 |
3:30 |
Influence of
detector surface processing on detector performance:
A.V. Rybka1, S.A. Leonov1,
I.M. Prokhoretz1, A.S. Abyzov1,
L.N. Davydov1, D.V. Kutny1,
M.S. Rowland2 and C.F. Smith2,
1Institute of Solid State Physics,
Material Science & Technology, National Science
Centre " Kharkov Institute of Physics &
Technology ", 1 Academicheskaya St., 310108
Kharkov, Ukraine ; 2LLNL,
USA. |
VII.6 |
3:45 |
Influence of
electrical contacts on charge collection profiles in
CdZnTe studied by IBIC: Z. Pastuovic1, M.
Jaksic1, R.B. James2, K.
Chattopadhyay3, X. Ma3 and A.
Burger3, 1R. Boskovic
Institute, Zagreb, Croatia ; 2Sandia
National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA ; 3Fisk
University, Nashville, TN, USA. |
4:00 |
4:15- 6:15 |
P1 |
between spectrometric ability and physical properties of
semiconductor detectors: A.S. Abyzov1, L.N.
Davydov1, V.E. Kutny1, A.V.
Rybka1, M.S. Rowland2 and
C.F. Smith2, 1Institute
of Solid State Physics, Material Science &
Technology, National Science Centre " Kharkov
Institute of Physics & Technology ", 1
Academicheskaya St., 310108 Kharkov, Ukraine ; 2LLNL,
USA. |
P2 |
observations of microcrystals in CdTe melt grown crystal:
T.I. Milenov1, V.I. Dimov2,
N.G. Khaltakova2, M.M. Gospodinov1,
1Institute of Solid State Physics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee,
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria; 2Central
Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences. |
P3 |
microscopy investigation of surface & interface of
CdTe detectors: T. Randles1, J. Barton1,
S. Hearne1, P.V. Kelly1, G.M. Crean1,
P. Siffert2, J.M. Koebel2, 1National
Microelectronics Research Centre, Lee Maltings, Prospect
Row, Cork, Ireland; 2CNRS/PHASE,
BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France. |
P4 |
of the Si GaAs based particle detector at temperatures
below 300 K: J. Darmo1, F. Dubecký1,
B. Zatko1, P.G. Pelfer2 and
V. Necas 3, 1Institute
of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava 84239, Slovakia; 2Department
of Physics and INFN, University of Florence, Largo E.
Fermi 2, Florence 50125, Italy; 3Department
of Nuclear Physics and Technique, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University
of Technology, Ilkovicova 3, Bratislava 81519, Slovakia. |
P5 |
of neutron detector using the surface barrier sensor with
polyethylene (n.p) and 10B(n, a) converters: T.F. Madi,
M.M. Hamada and C.H. Mesquita, Instituto de Pesquisas
Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN/CNEN-SP, Dep. Aplic.
Na Eng. E Indústria TE, Travessa R, n°400,
Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 Săo Paulo, Brazil. |
P6 |
V.E. Kutny1,
A.V. Rybka1, A.S. Abyzov1,
L.N. Davydov1, V.K. Komar2,
M.S. Rowland3 and C.F. Smith3,
1Institute of Solid State Physics,
Material Science & Technology, National Science
Centre " Kharkov Institute of Physics &
Technology ", 1 Academicheskaya St., 310108
Kharkov, Ukraine ; 2STC
"ISC", Kharkov, Ukraine ; 3LLNL,
USA. |
P7 |
large-volume CdZnTe detectors: C.E. Moss, K.D.
Ianakiev, T.H. Prettyman, R.C. Reedy, M.K. Smith and M.R.
Sweet, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NIS-6, MS J562,
PO Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. |
P8 |
radiation-sensitive properties of CdTe and Cd1-xZnxTe1-ySey
single crystals grown by vertical modified Bridgman
technique: Y.V Bezsmolniy, SE
"Bagira" of JSC "Chisty metaly",
Research Laboratory, Yubileyna, Box 39, 317000
Svitlovodsk, Ukraine |
P9 |
stability of CdTe p-i-n detectors: A. Kh. Khusainov,
T. A. Antonova, A. G. Ilves, V. V. Lysenko, V. F.
Morozov, A. L. Ogorodni, St. Petersburg Nuclear
Physics Institute, Semiconductor Detectors Department,
Orlov Grove, Gatchina, 188350 St Petersburg, Russia
P10 |
scanning of large volume CdZnTe detectors to map their
efficiency: S. Hollenthoner1, R. Arlt2,
I. Hartley2, R. Unterweger1, 1IAEA
Laboratories, 2444 Seibersdorf, Austria; 2International
Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O.B. 100,
1400 Vienna, Austria |
P11 |
contactless, microwave-based radiation detector: G.
Tepper1 and J. Losee2, 1Virginia
Commonwealth University, Department of Chemical
Engineering, 601 West Main Street, Richmond, VA 23284,
USA; 2Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Center, Code D744, San Diego, CA 92152, USA |
P12 |
CdTe nuclear radiation detectors in a new M-p(pi)-n
design: Madan Niraula1, Daisuke
Mochizuki1, Toru Aoki1, Tasuhiro
Tomita2 and Yoshinori Hatanaka1,
1Graduate School of Electric
Science and Technology, 3-1-1 Johuku, Hamamatsu 432-8011,
Japan; 2Hamamatsu Photonics,
Electron Tube R&D Center, 314-5, Shimokanzo,
Iwata-gun, Shizuoka Pref., Japan. |
P13 |
and measurement of pulse height & rise time for
electron signals in CZT detectors: influence of material
and electronics parameters: F. Mathy, J.P.
Bonnefoy, A. Gliere, C. Mestais, L. Verger, LETI
(CEA-Technologies Avancées), CEA/GRE, 17 Rue des
Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France |
P14 |
simplified approach to calculation of influence of
µtproducts inhomogeneity on charge collection
process: V. Ivanov, Ritec Ltd, 23 Aizkraukles
St., office 407, 1024 Riga, Latvia |
P15 |
of robust fitting analysis techniques to low-resolution
spectral data: G.P. Lasche, R.L. Coldwell, Constellation
Technology Corporation, Software and Systems, 7887 Bryan
Dairy Road, Suite 100, St. Petersburg, FL 33704, USA |
P16 |
of the peak shape parameter of CdZnTe detectors: I.
Hartley, R. Arlt, International Atomic Energy
Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O.B. 100, 1400 Vienna,
Austria |
P17 |
detectors fabricated from horizontal and vertical
Bridgman grown crystals: H. Hermon1, M.
Schieber1,2, R.B. James2, E.
Lee2, J.L. McChesney2, A.J. Antolak2,
D.H. Morse2, E. Cross2, M. Goorsky3,
T. Lam3, T.E. Schlesinger4, M.
Greaves4, 1The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel; 2Sandia
National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, USA; 3University
of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA; 4Carnegie
Mellon University, Dept of Elec. Eng., Pittsburgh, PA
15213, USA |
P18 |
detector packaging using polymer flip chip bonding
devices: V.T. Jordanov1, J. Macri2,
J. Clayton3, 1YANTRA, 12
Cutts Rd., Durham, NH 03824, USA; 2University
of New Hampshire, Morse Hall, Durham, NH 03824, USA; 3Polymer
Flip Chip Corporation, 5 Fortune Drive, Dillerica, MA
01865, USA |
P19 |
from an 8x8 pixellated Imarad CZT detector: W. Li, Z. He,
G.F. Knoll, D.K. Wehe, J.E. Berry, Department of
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, The
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2104, USA. |
P20 |
a carge loss corrected for CdTe and CdZnTe spectrometric
detectors: A.I. Kosse1, V.F. Morozov2,
A. Kh. Khusainov2, 1Ural
State Technical University, ul. Mira 19, 620002
Ekaterinburg, Russia; 2Petersburg
Nuclear Physics Institute, Semiconductor Detectors
Department, Orlov Grove, Gatchina, 188350 St Peterburg,
Russia. |
P21 |
high resolution gamma spectrometer for nuclear material
control: A. Kh. Khusainov1, T.A.
Antonova1, R.D. Arlt2, A.V. Derbin1,
V.V. Lysenko1, R.K. Makhkamov1,
V.N. Muratova1, O.V. Muratov1, D.V.
Tytz1, 1Petersburg
Nuclear Physics Institute, Semiconductor Detectors
Department, Orlov Grove, Gatchina, 188350 St Peterburg,
Russia; 2International Atomic
Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 100, 1400
Vienna, Austria. |
P22 |
detection probes with CdZnTe detectors: L. Aleksejeva, P.
Dorogov, V. Ivanov, A. Loutchansky, E. Mochaev, Ritec
Ltd, 23 Aizkraukles St., office 407, 1024 Riga, Latvia. |
P23 |
and fast neutron responses calculations for personal
electronic dosimetry purpose: M. Jung, C. Teisser and P.
Siffert, CNRS/PHASE, BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex
2, France. |
P24 |
of CZT detectors for X-ray computed tomography: S. Ricq, F.
Glasser, M. Garcin, LETI (CEA-Technologies
Avancées), CEA/GRE, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble
Cedex 9, France. |
P25 |
tongs-like intraoperative ?probe for specific
applications in radioguided oncological surgery: W. Dusi1,2,
P. Angelotti2,3, N. Auricchio2, D.
Bollini1,4, C. Moroni1,4, M.
Ricard5, 1Istituto
Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sez. di Bologna, via
Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy; 2Istituto
TESRE-CNR, via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy; 3Dipartimento
di Fisica, Universitŕ di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze
7 A, 43100 Parma, Italy; 4Dipartimento
di Fisica, Universitŕ di Bologna, via Irnerio 46, 40126
Bologna, Italy; 5Institut
"Gustave-Roussy", Service de Physique, 94805
Villejuif Cedex, France. |
P26 |
in hot points localization power for a ? probe to
be used in radioassisted oncological surgery: W. Dusi1,2,
P. Angelotti2,3, N. Auricchio2, D.
Bollini1,4, C. Moroni1,4, M.
Ricard5, 1Istituto
Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sez. di Bologna, via
Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy; 2Istituto
TESRE-CNR, via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy; 3Dipartimento
di Fisica, Universitŕ di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze
7 A, 43100 Parma, Italy; 4Dipartimento
di Fisica, Universitŕ di Bologna, via Irnerio 46, 40126
Bologna, Italy; 5Institut
"Gustave-Roussy", Service de Physique, 94805
Villejuif Cedex, France. |
P27 |
high energy radiography detector: F. Glasser1,
V. Gerbe1, P. Ouvrier-Buffet1, M.
Accensi1, J.L. Girard1, J.L.
Gerstenmayer2, 1LETI
(CEA-Technologies Avancées), CEA/GRE, 17 Rue des
Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France; 2CEA/DAM/DRIF/DCRE,
CEA/Bruyčres le Châtel,BP 12, 91680 Bruyčres le
Châtel, France. |
P28 |
final release of the basic component for the ISGRI CdTe
?-ray camera: O. Limousin1, M. Arques2,
J. Crétolle1, F. Lebrun1, J.P
Leray1, N. Baffert2, D. Lattard2,
JL. Martin2, G. Masson2, A. Noca2,
F. Mathy2, JP. Rostaing2,
P.Trystram2, P. Villard2, P. Baron3,
E. Delagnes3, M. Rouger3, 1CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/
Service dAstrophysique, CEA/Saclay, 91191
Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France; 2CEA/DTA/LETI/Service
Capteurs et Systčmes d'Imagerie, CEA/Grenoble, 38054
Grenoble Cedex, France; 3CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/Service
d'Electronique et d'Informatique, CEA/Saclay, 91191
Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France |
P29 |
of Au-CdZnTe contacts using photovoltaic measurements:
M.A. Hossein, E.J. Morton, A.M.D. Ede and P. DeAntonis, Department
of Physics, University of Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK. |
P30 |
studies of CZT materials and radiation detectors: H.W.
Yao1,2, R.B. James2, J.C. Erickson1,2,
1University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Electrical Engineering Department, 209 N WSEC, Lincoln,
NE 68588-0511, USA; 2Sandia
National Laboratories, MS 9405, PO Box 969, Livermore, CA
94550, USA. |
P31 |
focus X-ray generator with total reflexion capillary used
in microfluorescence analysis on semiconductors: C.
Burggraf1, P. Fougčres2, Y. Roy1,
M. Hage-Ali1, A. Krauth1, R. Régal1
and P. Siffert1, 1CNRS/PHASE,
BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France; 2EURORAD
Inc., BP 20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France. |
P32 |
of the electronic properties of cadmium zinc telluride
(CZT) detectors using a nuclear microprobe: B.A. Brunett1,
B.L. Doyle2, R.B. James1, G.
Vizkelethy2,3, D.S. Walsh2, 1Sandia
National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, USA ;
2Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
NM, USA; 3Idaho State
University, Pocatello, ID, USA. |
P33 |
novel CCD based EDX detector the first results: B.G.
Lowe1, D.J. Burt2, P.J. Pool3,
A.D. Holland4, I.B. Hutchinson4, 1Oxford
Instruments, Industrial Analysis Dept, Wyndyke Furlong,
Abingdon OX14 1 UJ, UK ; 2EEV;
3University of Leicester, X-ray
astronomy group, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK; 4GEC-Marconi. |
P34 |
Bulk semiconductor neutron
detectors: F.P. Doty, Sandia National
Laboratories, Livermore CA 94550, USA. |
P35 |
of Li distribution in room temperature Si(Li) detectors:
Hiroshi Kume 1, Hideaki Onabe 2,
Mitsugu Obinata 3, Toshisuke Kashiwagi4
and Masanori Kurosawa 5, 1Environmental
Chemistry Division, National Institute for Environmental
Studies; 2Raytech Co.,
Ltd. ; 3Tohnic Co.,
Ltd. ; 4 Department of
Industrial Engineering and Management, Kanagawa
University, 5Institute of
Geoscience, The University of Tsukuba, Japan |
P36 |
Pulse shape discrimination
system for room-temperature detectors: V. Kondrashov, A.
Loupilov and V. Ivanov, Baltic Scientific
Instruments, Ganibu dambis 26, PO Box 33, 1005 Riga,
Latvia. |
P37 |
Separation of the
intrinsic defects in CdTe by laser
radiation:A.Medvid, Laboratory of Semiconductor
Physics, Riga Technical University, Azenes Str. 14, 1048,
Riga, Latvia. |
8:30 am |
- What are the perspectives of
CdTe & CZT detectors in both industrial &
medical applications ?
VIII.1 |
9:00 invited |
development of radiation measurement instrument for
industrial and medical applications: S. Baba, K.
Ohmori, Y. Mito, T. Tanoue, Matushita Industrial
Equipment Co., Ltd, Japan. |
VIII.2 |
9:30 |
Hard X-ray
CdTe tomography of tokamak fusion plasmas: Y. Peysson,
F. Imbeaux, CEA/DRFC, CEA/Cadarache, 13
Saint-Paul-lez-Durance Cedex, France. |
VIII.3 |
9:45 |
integration of PIN diodes and n-channel double-gate
JFET's for room temperature X-ray spectroscopy: G.-F.
Dalla Betta1, G.U. Pignatel2,
G. Verzellesi2, M. Boscardin1, A.
Fazzi3, L. Bosisio4, 1ITC-IRST,
Divisione Microsistemi, Loc. Pantč di Povo, 38050
Trento, Italy; 2Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universitŕ di Trento, Via
Mesiano 77, 38050 Trento, Italy; 3Dipartimento
di Ingegneria Nucleare, Politecnico di Milano, Via Ponzio
34/3, 20133 Milano, Italy; 4Dipartimento
di Fisica e INFN, Universitŕ di Trieste, Via A.Valerio
2, 34127, Trieste, Italy. |
VIII.4 |
10 :00 |
Silicon drift
detectors for high count rate X-ray spectroscopy at room
temperature: J. Kemmer1, P. Lechner1,
P. Leutenegger1, R. Stötter1, H.
Soltau1, U. Weber1, R. Hartmann2,
N. Krause2, D. Stötter2, L.
Strüder2, C. Fiorini3, A. Longoni3,
1KETEK GmbH, Oberschleissheim,
Germany ; 2Max Planck
Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching,
Germany ; 3Politecnico di
Milano, Milano, Italy. |
10:15 |
IX.1 |
10:30 invited |
temperature semiconductor device configurations:
advantages and compromises: M.R. Squillante, Radiation
Monitoring Devices, Inc., 44 Hunt St., Watertown, MA
02472, USA. |
IX.2 |
11:00 invited |
of HPBM CdZnTe detectors for gamma-ray imaging
applications: L. Verger, M. Boitel, M.C. Gentet,
R. Hamelin, C. Mestais, F. Mongellaz, J. Rustique, G.
Sanchez, LETI (CEA - Technologies Avancées), 17 Rue
des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. |
IX.3 |
11:30 |
and efficiency of coarsely pixellated CdZnTe gamma-ray
detectors: B.A. Brunett1, T.E. Schlesinger2,
J.M. Van Scyoc1 and R.B. James1, 1Sandia
National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, USA ;
2Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
15213, USA. |
IX.4 |
11:45 |
A CdZnTe
coplanar-grid detector array for environmental
remediation: P.N. Luke, J.S. Lee, H. Yaver, M.
Amman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, MS
70A-3363, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. |
IX.5 |
12:00 |
progress in n-type CdZnTe arrays for gamma-ray
spectroscopy: Y. Nemirovsky1, G. Asa1,
Y. Gorelik1, A. Peyser1, U.
El-Hanany2, A. Shahar2 and A.
Tsigelman2, 1Dept. of
Electrical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute
of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel; 2
IMARAD Imaging Systems Ltd, PO Box 2489, Rehovot 76124,
Israel. |
IX.6 |
12:15 |
studies on the modified two-terminal geometry for CdZnTe
detectors: K. Parnham1, C. Szeles1,
K.G. Lynn2, T.H. Prettyman3, 1eV
PRODUCTS a division of II-VI Inc., Saxonburg, PA 16056,
USA; 2Washington State
University, Center for Material Science, Pullman, WA
99216, USA; 3Los Alamos National
Laboratory, MS E540, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. |
IX.7 |
12:30 |
CdTe detector
arrays for imaging applications: Madan Niraula1,
Daisuke Mochizuki1, Toru Aoki1,
Tasuhiro Tomita2 and Yoshinori Hatanaka1,
1Graduate School of Electric
Science and Technology, 3-1-1 Johuku, Hamamatsu 432-8011,
Japan; 2Hamamatsu Photonics,
Electron Tube R&D Center, 314-5, Shimokanzo,
Iwata-gun, Shizuoka Pref., Japan. |
12:45 |
X.1 |
2:00 pm invited |
arsenide as substrate with or without integrated
electronics for imaging detectors: J. Ludwig,
Universität Freiburg, Fakultät für Physik,
Hermann-Herder-Strasse 3, 79104 Freiburg in Brsg,
Germany. |
X.2 |
2:30 |
Potential of
thick GaAs epitaxial layers for pixel detectors: K. Smith1,
R. Bates1, C. Whitehill1, A. Meikle1,
M. Hammadi2 and J.C. Boursgoin2; 1Physics
Department, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ,
U.K.; 2Laboratoire des Milieux
Désordonnés et Hétérogčnes, Université Pierre et
Marie Curie, Paris VI, C.N.R.S., UMR 7603, Tour 22, Case
86, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. |
X.3 |
2:45 |
of performance of semi-insulating detectors irradiated by
high gamma doses: V. Necas1, K. Sekácová1,
T. Ly Ahn1, A. Perěchová1, J.
Darmo2, F. Dubecký2, ; 1Department
of Nuclear Physics and Technique, Slovak University of
Technology, Ilkovicova 3, Bratislava 81519,
Slovakia; 2Institute of
Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava 84239, Slovakia. |
X.4 |
3:00 |
Evaluation of
a single photon counting pixel system for imaging of
low-contrast objects: B. Mikulec1,
G. Bisogni2, M. Campbell1,
G. DiPasquale2, R. Irsigler3,
E. Pernigotti2, C. Schwarz4,
J. Watt5, 1CERN, EP
Division, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland; 2INFN
Pisa, Italy; 3IMC, Kista,
Sweden; 4University of Freiburg,
Germany; 5University of Glasgow,
Scotland. |
X.5 |
3:15 |
CVD diamond
coaxial X-ray microdetectors: C. Manfredotti, E.
Vittone, F. Fizzotti and A. Lo Giudice, Experimental
Physics Department, University of Torino, Via Giuria 1,
10125 Torino, Italy. |
X.6 |
3:30 invited |
progress in thallium bromide detectors for X- and
gamma-ray spectroscopy: K. Hitomi, O. Muroi, T.
Shoji, T. Suehiro and Y. Hiratate, Department of
Electronics, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan. |
4:00 |
XI.1 |
4:15 invited |
and low-noise front-end electronics for X and gamma-ray
semiconductor detectors: G. Bertuccio, Dipartimento
di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, L. de Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy. |
XI.2 |
4:45 |
charge amplifier for high resolution, high count rate
readout: C. Guazzoni1, A. Fazzi1,
P. Lechner2, M. Sampietro1, 1Dipartimento
di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, L. de Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy ; 2KETEK
GmbH, Haimhausen, Germany. |
XI.3 |
5:00 |
signal processing for CdTe detectors based on a waveform
clustering algorithm: H. Takahashi1, L. Zhang1,
T. Kurahashi1, D. Fukuda1, M.
Nakazawa1, M. Misawa2, 1Department
of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, School of
Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan; 2Mechanical
Engineering Laboratory, Japan. |
XI.4 |
5:15 invited |
Noise limits
of atom, a 128 channel CMOS readout chip in applications
with room temperature high granularity detectors: P.F.
Manfredi1,2, L. Ratti2,3, V. Re2,4,
N.A. Roe1 and V. Speziali2,3, 1Lawrence
Berkely National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA; 2INFN,
Sezione di Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy; 3Universitŕ
di Pavia, Dipartimento di Elettronica, 27100 Pavia,
Italy; 4Universitŕ di Bergamo,
Dipartimento di Ingneria, 24044 Dalmine, Italy. |
XI.5 |
5:45 invited |
of the readout electronics of pixel detectors for LHC
experiments: M. Campbell, CERN, EP Division,
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. |
XII.1 |
8:30 am invited |
induced defects in CdTe and CdZnTe detectors: A.
Cavallini1, B.Fraboni1,
N.Auricchio2, E.Caroli2, W.Dusi2,
P.Chirco3, M.P.Morigi3, M.Zanarini3,
M.Hage-Ali4, P.Siffert4, 1INFM
and Dip. Di Fisica, Univ. di Bologna viale Berti Pichat
6/2, 40137 Bologna Italy; 2Ist.TESRE-CNR
via Gobetti 101, Bologna Italy; 3Dip.
di Fisica, Univ.di Bologna, viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40137
Bologna Italy; 4CNRS/PHASE, BP
20, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France. |
XII.2 |
9:00 |
self-doping of CdTe single crystals due to controlled
deviation from stoichiometry: V. Lyahovitskaya,
L.Chernyak, L. Kaplan and D. Cahen, Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel. |
XII.3 |
9:15 |
Influence of
aftergrowth annealing of CdTe :Cl crystals on
electrical characteristics: O.A.Matveev,
A.I.Terentev, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Politechnicheskaya 26, St.
Petersburg 194021, Russia. |
9:30 |
XIII.1 |
9:45 invited |
status and perspectives of the radiation detectors based
on InP materials: P.G. Pelfer1, F.
Dubecký2, R. Fornari3, J. Darmo2,
M. Krempaský2, E. Gombia3, B.
Zatko3, S. Hasenöhrl1, M.
Sekácová2, M. Pikna4, P. Bohácek2
and M. Rucek2, 1Department
of Physics and INFN, University of Florence, Largo
E.Fermi 2, Florence, 50125 Italy ; 2Institute
of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Dubravská cesta 9, 84239 Bratislava, Slovakia; 3MASPEC-CNR,
Area delle Scienze 37/A, Fontanini, Parma 43010, Italy ; 4Institute
of Physics, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina,
Bratislava, 84233, Slovakia. |
XIII.2 |
10:15 |
Lead iodide
film deposition and characterization: L. Fornaro1,
E. Saucedo1, L. Mussio1, L. Yerman1,
J.-O. Ndap2, K. Chattopadhyay2, X.
Ma2 and A. Burger2, 1Radiochemistry
Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Montevideo, 11800,
Uruguay; 2Center for Photonic
Materials and Devices, Department of Physics,Fisk
University, Nashville, TN 37208, USA. |
XIII.3 |
10:30 |
On the
development of the compound semiconductor thallium
bromide for astrophysics: A. Owens, M. Bavdez, A. Peacok,
Space Science Department of ESA, ESTEC, PO Box 299,
2200AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. |
XIII.4 |
10:45 |
Role of
electrode technology in radiation detectors based on
semi-insulating GaAs and InP: F. Dubecký1,
J. Darmo1, M. Krempaský1, M.
Sekácová1, B. Zatko1, V.
Necas 2, P.G. Pelfer3, M. Pikna4,
R. Senderák5, S. Hlavác5, S.
Hasenöhrl3 and M. Rucek1, 1Institute
of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava 84239, Slovakia; 2Department
of Nuclear Physics and Technique, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University
of Technology, Ilkovicova 3, Bratislava 81519, Slovakia; 3Department
of Physics and INFN, University of Florence, Largo E.
Fermi 2, Florence 50125, Italy; 4Institute
of Physics, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina,
Bratislava, 84233, Slovakia; 5Institute
of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta
9, Bratislava 84238, Slovakia. |
XIII.5 |
11:00 |
Si GaAs based
particle detectors at IEE SAS: first imaging results: J.
Darmo1, F. Dubecký1, B.
Zatko1, M. Krempaský1, M.
Sekácová1, J. Kvitkovic1, V.
Necas2, M. Somora3, PG. Pelfer4,
1Institute of Electrical
Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská
cesta 9, Bratislava 84239, Slovakia; 2Department
of Nuclear Physics and Technique, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University
of Technology, Ilkovicova 3, Bratislava 81519, Slovakia ;
3Department of Hybrid
Microelectronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics, Technical University of Kocice, Park
Komenskeho 2, Kocice, 04389 Slovakia ; 4Department
of Physics and INFN, University of Florence, Largo E.
Fermi 2, Florence 50125, Italy. |
XIII.6 |
11:15 |
of 3-D silicon photodetectors: C.T. Tull1,
J.S. Iwanczyk1, B.E. Patt1, L.R.
MacDonald1, C.J. Kenney2 and S.I.
Parker2, 1Photon Imaging
Inc., 19355 Business Center Dr. #8, Northridge, CA 91324,
USA; 2University of Hawaii. |
XIII.7 |
11:30 |
large-area, low-capacitance silicon photodetectors: B.E.
Patt, J.S. Iwanczyk, C.T. Tull and L.R. MacDonald, 1Photon
Imaging Inc., 19355 Business Center Dr. #8, Northridge,
CA 91324, USA. |
XIII.8 |
11:45 |
A silicon
drift detector with a p-type JFET integrated in the
n-well anode: K. Misiakos, S. Kavadias*,
Microelectronics Institute, NCSR "Demokritos",
15310 Athens, Greece; *Present address: IMEC, Kapeldreef
75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. |
XIII.9 |
12:00 |
Large area
pixellated photon couting X-ray imaging system: G.
Iles, S. Thomas, P. Murray, M. Prydderch, P. Seller,
Imperial College, Department of Physics, Blackett
Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London, UK. |
12:15 |