Instructions for Authors

E-MRS Spring Meeting

30 May - 2 June 2000

Strasbourg, France



You are kindly requested to follow these instructions closely.

This will help your manuscript pass through the reviewing and production procedures smoothly and without unnecessary delay.



Please submit the following on the first day of the Meeting:

with high-quality figures and tables EMBEDDED in the text; papers will be scanned for use in the electronic proceedings so high quality figures are essential.

Please only submit the electronic version (disk) of your paper after it has been accepted for publication



(enter your unique paper reference number in the top right-hand corner of every copy)

Leave 6 blank lines between the ‘Paper Reference’ and the title



Format paper title in 14 point, bold and centred

2 blank lines between title and author names
A.B. Author,* 1 C.D. Other 2
1 blank line between authors’ names and affiliations
1 Department of Materials Science, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK
2 Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Walter-Korsing-Str. 2,
15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Leave 3 lines blank between last address and first section heading



The first section of the paper is to be a short single paragraph abstract outlining the aims, scope and conclusion of the paper. Authors should aim for an abstract length of between 100 and 250 words.
Keywords: Please include a maximum of six keywords.
Leave 2 lines blank between sections

1. Introduction

1.1 Unique reference number

Your paper has been assigned a unique reference number by the conference secretariat. This number is shown in the Book of Abstracts. Please do not use any other number. It should consist of a combination of the letter indicating the Symposium, the session number (given in roman numerals) and the paper number within the session (in arabic numerals); these are separated by hyphens. Please identify this unique paper reference number in the top right-hand corner of the first page of each copy of your manuscript, as well as on loose copies of (original) figures and a disk (after acceptance of your paper).

__________________ (1 blank line before footnote and insert a short line)

*Corresponding author: tel: +44 1234 123456; fax: +44 1234 123478; e-mail:

Give full address details of the corresponding author at the bottom of the first page


1.2 Length of papers

Invited papers are limited to 8 (eight) single-spaced pages, including all figures, tables and appendices. Contributed papers are limited to 4 (four) single-spaced pages, including figures, tables and appendices.
Over-length pap
ers will be returned to the authors.

1.3 Structure

Please organize the sections of your paper as follows:

Body of paper
Acknowledgments (optional)
Appendices (if any)

2. General formatting

Your article must be written in English. Authors whose first language is not English are urged to seek assistance in style, grammar and spelling from a colleague whose mother tongue is English.

The text area for the page is to be 170 mm by 230 mm. A tolerance of ±5 mm is acceptable. The margins will vary depending on the paper size you use (i.e. US A4, European A4, etc.) Do not print any border around your manuscript pages.

Please print your text as a single column, on one side only.

Set the default font to Times Roman (or similar), size 12 pt. Only the paper title is to be in 14 pt size. The initial lines (i.e. title, authors and affiliations) are indented left and right by 1" (25 mm) and centred.

It is preferred that you number the pages clearly, at the bottom of each page.

3. Headings

Primary headings are to be numbered consecutively (however, this excludes the Abstract and References), put in bold (as shown above), with the first letter in Uppercase and all others in lower case. Leave one blank line between a primary heading and the first line of text. There are to be two blank lines before each primary section heading. Leave one blank line between paragraphs of text within a section. Paragraphs are not to have any indents. Text should be fully (that is, left- and right-) justified.

3.1 Secondary headings or sub-headings

Secondary headings are to be numbered as shown, and printed in italics, with the first letter in Uppercase and all others in lower case. There is one blank line above a sub-heading and one blank line between the sub-heading and the first line of the text.

3.1.1 Tertiary headings
Tertiary headings, if required, are to be numbered as shown, and printed in italics, with the first letter in Uppercase and all others in lower case. Leave no line space below a tertiary heading, but start the first paragraph on the next line.

Do not use more than three levels of headings.

4. Equations

Leave one blank line above and also below any equation. Equations are to be centred on the line, and the equation reference number (in brackets) right-justified. Equations should be referred to in the text in the form Eq. (1). Variables in equations are to be printed in italics, vectors must be set in bold.
	                                                       x = 2y + 1	                                                   (1)
Equations should be typed and all symbols should be explained within the text of your manuscript. Authors may prefer to include a separate section detailing all nomenclature.

Your paper must use the International System of Units (SI). Other units may be given in parentheses.

5. Tables

Authors may choose how they wish to format the rows and columns of tables. However, please be consistent throughout your manuscript. The table reference and heading should appear above the table as shown below, using 11 pt letters for the title. The heading must be centred. The tables themselves are to be centred horizontally on the page. Leave two blank lines before the table heading and one blank line after the table.
Table 1
Deflections from impact loading tests

Test AE-1 (mm)

Test AE-2 (mm)








6. Illustrations

Illustrations are to be centred horizontally, with the figure number and caption printed below the figure. The lettering used within the illustrations should not be too small. A minimum font size of 8 pt within the illustrations is recommended. Reducing the font further will reduce the legibility of the text when the illustrations are scanned. All illustrations are to be referred to as figures and must be quoted in the text. For instance, see Fig. 1 for a graph showing the results from Table 1.

Fig. 1. Entire caption for figure centred and below as shown.


One blank line should be left between the figure caption and the next paragraph.


All figures must be incorporated in the main body of the text, usually near the place in the text where they are first referred to. The figures are considered to be part of the text when referring to page limits as indicated in the Introduction.

IMPORTANT: you are requested to provide a separate set of good-quality original figures on paper (glossy prints for photographs), besides your hard copies of the manuscript (in which the figures are embedded). These original figures should be printed on separate pages, each containing the paper reference number as well as the unique figure number. The same set must contain a list of figure captions, put together on a separate sheet, and each separated by two blank lines.

Gray-scale pages (including photographs) will be scanned to different resolutions to optimise their image quality.

Illustrations can be printed in colour when they are judged by the Editor to be essential to the presentation. The publisher and author will each bear part of the extra costs involved. The charge to be passed on to authors of articles containing colour figures is NLG 1400.00 (approx. US$ 800.00) for the first page containing colour and NLG 700.00 (approx. US$ 400.00) for each additional page containing colour.

References must be numbered consecutively throughout the text, and they should be collected together in a reference list at the end of the text. Footnotes should not include bibliographic material, and reference lists should not include material that could more appropriately appear as a footnote. Numerals for references are given in square brackets []; each number should correspond to a single reference, i.e. multiple references are not acceptable. In the reference list, periodicals [1] and books [2] should be cited in accordance with the following examples:

[1]   R. Angers, M.R. Krishnadev, R. Tremblay, J.-F. Corriveau, D. Dube, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 262 (1999) 9.
[2]   R. Ferro, G. Zanicchi, R. Marazza, in: G. Petzow, G. Effenberg (Eds.), Ternary Alloys, vol. 6, VCH, Weinheim, 1992, pp. 318-327.

Each reference must be complete, thus the use of ibid., idem., et al. is not permitted.


Appendix 1: Final checks

Once the manuscript is complete we recommend you run a spell check program through the text.

Please note: there is a degree of flexibility in the layout of your text, but we request you most urgently to follow these instructions as closely as possible. Above all, please ensure that the printed area on each page is as close to 170mm × 230mm as is possible, the font size of the text is 12pt and the font size within illustrations is no smaller than 8pt.