SYMPOSIUM I - Optoelectronics III: Organic Electronics: from Light Emitting Diodes to Integrated Circuits

Organic light emitting devices, such as diodes and displays, are presently in the stage of industrial commercialisation and first integrated circuits comprising field-effect transistors have been demonstrated. Despite the high technological degree of sophistication of both materials and device production techniques, numerous questions concerning basic properties such as charge transport, excited state physics, structural order, and interfacial barriers are still open. These topics are closely related to applied and technological aspects such as device preparation and layout, layer sequences, and device performance. This symposium is intended to bring together scientists and engineers from academia and industry to fruitfully uncover, discuss, and answers these actual issues. A special session on competing technologies is planned.

Papers are solicited concerning the following topics or topics that advance the understanding of organic electronics in general.

Presently invited speakers and tentative titles:

Symposium Organizers:

Heinz von Seggern
Electronic Materials Department
Materials Science Division
Petersenstraße 23
Darmstadt University of Technology
64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)6151 16 6301
Fax: +49 (0)6151 16 6305
Markus Schwoerer
Experimantal Physics II
Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth
Tel.: +49 92155 2600
Fax: +49 92155 2621
Carlo Taliani
Istituto di Spettroscopia Molecolare
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via P. Gobetti, 101
40129 Bologna
Tel.: +39 51 6398531
Fax: +39 51 6398539