International Workshop on THERMal INvestigations of ICs and Systems
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Guidelines regarding the format of manuscript
to be published in the informal proceedings of the 6th THERMINIC Workshop
Congratulations! Your paper has been accepted for oral/poster presentation at the 6th THERMINIC Workshop, 24-27 September 2000, in Budapest, Hungary. An informal proceedings will be made available to workshop attendees, based on the papers provided by the authors on a voluntary offer.
In order to have a uniform image of the proceedings you are kindly requested to prepare your paper in the usual IEEE two-column format. In order to properly prepare your paper, please follow the steps outlined below when submitting your camera-ready paper.
Main Title: center the title 3.5cm (cca 1.3/8 inches) from the top edge of the first page. The title should be in Times 14-point, boldface type. Initially capitalize nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word). Leave two blank lines after the title.
Author Names and Affiliations are to be centered beneath the title and printed in Times 12-point, non-boldface type. This information is to be followed by two blank lines.
The ABSTRACT and MAIN TEXT are to be in a two-column format.
The Abstract is to be in fully justified italicized text, at the top of the left-hand column, below the author and affiliation information. Use the word "Abstract" as the title, in 12-point Times, boldface type, centered over the column, initially capitalized. The abstract text is to be in 10-point, single-spaced type. The abstract may be up to 7.6cm (approx. 3 inches) long. Leave two blank lines after the Abstract, then begin the main text.
Main Text:type the main text in 10-point Times, single-spaced. Do NOT use double-spacing. All paragraphs should be indented approximately 0.3cm (cca. 1/8 inch). Justify the text-flush left and flush right. Do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs. Figure and table captions should be 10-point Helvetica bold; callouts should be 9-point Helvetica (or similar sans-serif font). Initially capitalize only the first word of section titles and first-, second-, and third-order headings.
First-order headings should be Times 12-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one blank line before and one blank line after.
Second-order headings should be Times 11-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one blank line before and one blank line after.
Third-order headings (we discourage these) should be Times 10-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, preceded by one blank line, followed by a colon and your text on the same line.
Guidelines regarding the contents of contributions
to the informal proceedings of the 6th THERMINIC Workshop
Please refer to the guidelines for the exact format of paper submission.
A paper (assuming a contribution accepted for oral presentation) should have the following structure (or similar):
- TITLE part
- ABSTRACT (80-120 words, not more in physical length than 7.6cm)
- SOLUTION (BODY) (3-4 pages)
- CONCLUSION + references (1/2-1 page)
Now after making the reader curious, he or she will be anxious to continue reading. Remember that the intro does not give the solution yet, that is the next thing to do in:
Restate the problem you have tackled and the originality of the solution. Indicate its concreteness by restating the experimental results obtained and the comparison with state of the art work. If possible, give a vision to the future.
Instructions for poster presentations
You will be advised about the exact time of mounting and dismounting your poster at the opening session. Please, make sure to remove all poster mounting material from the board at the end of the Workshop. Posters not removed in time will be taken down by the poster service staff. however, we can not assure any further responsibility for the material.Poster material
During the Poster session you will be given 3 minutes for the introduction of your poster. Detailed timing will be given in the Workshop Program.
Your poster area can be 1500 x 950 mm (height x width). Please display the title of your poster with 40 mm high printed capital letters at the top of the poster area. Your poster material should be attached on the surface with tape. Poster mounting materials will be available at the poster service desk. Do not use pins.Text layout
1500 mm 950 mm
Give a short and comprehensive review of the basic items of your study. This can be done by dividing your text into several but clearly delineated paragraphs. Remember that it is easy to start reading a paragraph of six lines, but most people avoid one with 30! Please use letter-heights and figure sizes appropriate to read the poster from a distance of 1 m.Illustration layout
Drawings, diagrams and photos are extremely helpful and often necessary to display results and conclusions. Make sure that your illustrations are easy to understand - do not overload any chart or drawing with information.
We are looking forward to your poster presentation at the THERMINIC Workshop.
Author names
Abstract Very concise statement of 80 words that clearly states the problem. Also contains the three messages, the key results obtained and the improvement over previous work in the international literature. 1. Introduction and problem statement
States the problem AS WELL AS the application area of your work. THERMINIC'00 is a workshop on thermal issues of integrated circuits and microsystems, hence indicate what kind of a thermal problem you are solving. Obviously it helps a lot if your work relates to one of the hot problem areas of today. Now after making the reader curious, he or she will be anxious to continue reading. Remember that the intro does not give the solution yet, that is the next thing to do in: 1.1. Heading 2 1.1.1. Heading 3
Figure and table caption 1.2. Solution body
How was the problem tackled? Method and its justification. |
Show experimental results on comprehensive graphs, plots, layouts, screen dumps etc.. Indicate improvements over previous methods. 1.3. Conclusions Restate the problem you have tackled and the originality of the solution. Indicate its concreteness by restating the experimental results obtained and the comparison with state of the art work. If possible, give a vision to the future.
[1] Authors: "Title of the paper", The name of the source, V.31, No.1-4, pp.1-5 (1998) |
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