Article : [SHEET473]
Info : COMPENDEX ANSWER 57, le 18/10/2000.
Titre : Approach to indirect protocol conversion.
Cité dans : [DATA203] Recherche sur les mots clés CONVERTER et INDIRECT, octobre 2000.Auteur : Shu, J.C. (Ohio State Univ, Columbus, OH, USA)
Source : Comput Networks ISDN Syst v 21 n 2 Apr 1991 p 93-108
ISSN : 0169-7552
Année : 1991
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Language : English
Stockage :
Abstract :
This paper presents a formal technique to synthesize a converter by inserting the PUT and GET operations into two given protocols to manipulate the buffer for indirect conversion.The PUT operation inserts messages in one protocol into a non-FIFO buffer, and then the GET operation retrieves the messages in proper order from the buffer and coverts them for the other protocol.Since the PUT and GET operations are asynchronous, they may create some problem for the buffer: (1) buffer overflow, i.e., the number of messages stored in the buffer exceeds its capacity; and (2) improper termination, i.e., the protocol terminates with some messages leftover in the buffer.Therefore, the synthesized converter needs to be validated.Several techniques are proposed to reduce the computing time and space spent in validating the converter. Finally, an algorithm for indirect conversion is presented and applied to a practical example for conversion between ISO OSI and IBM SNA protocols.(Edited author abstract) 29 Refs.
Accession_Number : 1991(9):105132 COMPENDEX
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