R. PEZZANI, "Restrictions in the use of thyristors, triacs, and power rectifiers in the field of pulse applications", L'Electricien Industriel, Dec. 1974, vol. 87, no. 2167, pp. 368-372.
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Info : INSPEC ANSWER 14, le 07/10/2000.

Titre : R. PEZZANI, Restrictions in the use of thyristors, triacs, and power rectifiers in the field of pulse applications, L'Electricien Industriel, Dec. 1974, vol. 87, no. 2167, pp. 368-372.

Cité dans :[99DIV109] Recherche sur l'auteur Robert PEZZANI, octobre 2000.
Auteur : Pezzani, R.

Source : L'Electricien Industriel (Dec. 1974) vol.87, no.2167, p.368-72.
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Info : Country of Publication : France
Language : French
Stockage :

Abstract :
A theoretical examination is given of the problem of heat dissipation. A detailed study of the
thermal equivalent networks of the thyristor is made and formulae are developed for heat
losses and temperature variations under pulsed operational conditions. Various types of
pulsed conditions are studied and illustrated with schematic diagrams and curves. A worked
example is given showing the procedure adopted in the determination of the peak junction
temperature of a semiconductor when operating under given pulsed conditions.

Accession_Number : 1975:770655

Référence : 0 refs.

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