Article : [SHEET331]
Titre : A. DASGUPTA, M. PECHT, Material failure mechanisms and damage models, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 40, no. 5, December 1991, pp. 531-536.
Cité dans :[THESE090] S. MOREAU, Fiabilité environnementale des composants de puissance : le TRIAC, Thèse de Doctorat, soutenue le 17 mai 2005, 127 pages.Auteur : A. Dasgupta
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/DASGUPTA2.pdf - 623 Ko, 6 pages.
Source : Reliability, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 531 - 536
Date : Dec. 1991
Volume : 40
Issue : 5
ISSN : 0018-9529
References : 2
Accession_Number : 4108523
Abstract :
This work introduces a tutorial series on material failure mechanisms and
damage models to familiarize nonspecialists with the fundamentals of failure
mechanisms in engineering assemblies. Since failure is a complicated
concept, four simple conceptual models for failure are discussed:
stress-strength, damage-endurance, challenge-response, and
tolerance-requirement. The specific failure mechanisms depend on material or
structural defects, damage induced during manufacture and assembly, and on
conditions during storage and field use. Conditions that affect the state of
an item are broadly termed stresses (loads), e.g., mechanical stress and
strain, electrical current and voltage, temperature, humidity, chemical
environment, and radiation. The effects of stresses are influenced by
geometry, constitutive and damage properties of the materials, manufacturing
parameters, and the application environment.
Subject_terms :
brittle fracture; elastic deformation; yield strength; buckling; ductile
fracture; fatigue cracks; wear; stress corrosion cracking; creep; damage
models; tutorial; material failure mechanisms; stress-strength;
damage-endurance; challenge-response; tolerance-requirement; structural
defects; brittle fracture; buckling; creep; ductile fracture; elastic
deformation; failure analysis; fatigue cracks; materials testing; stress
corrosion cracking; wear; yield strength
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