Article : [SHEET310]
Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 301, le 28/04/2000.
Titre : K. SHIMADA, J. KOMOTURI, M. SHIMIZU, Applicability of the Manson-Coffin law and miner's law to extremely low cycle fatigue, Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen, vol. 53, no 491, July 1987, pp. 1178-1185.
Cité dans : [DATA062] Recherche sur les auteurs COFFIN et MANSON, octobre 2001. Cité dans :[THESE090] S. MOREAU, Fiabilité environnementale des composants de puissance : le TRIAC, Thèse de Doctorat, soutenue le 17 mai 2005, 127 pages.Auteur : Shimada, Katsunori
Source : Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen
Volume : 53
Numéro : 491
Date : july 1987
Pages : 1178 - 1185
ISSN : 0387-5008
Année : 1987
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Language : Japanese
Stockage :
Abstract :
Attention has been focussed on the characteristics of the fatigue
life of annealed low carbon steel in the extremely low cycle fatigue
regime.In this regime, a transition of the fracture mode occurs from
the surface to internal cracking with an increase in the plastic
strain range.Results show that in this regime the final fracture
occurs at a strain cycle count less than that expected from the
Manson-Coffin law for an ordinary low cycle fatigue regime in which
the development of small surface cracks leads to the fracture of the
specimen.Such a reduction in fatigue life is caused by the cracking
of pearlite inside the material at a high plastic strain range.The
applicability of Miner's law to the prediction of the fatigue life
under a variable plastic strain amplitude in the extremely low cycle
fatigue regime has also been discussed.(Author abstract)
References : 11 refs.
Accession_Number : 1987(12):193304
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