Article : [SHEET306]
Titre : J.W. McPHERSON, H.C. MOGUL, Disturbed bonding states in SiO/sub 2/ thin-films and their impact on time-dependent dielectric breakdown, 1998.
Auteur : McPherson, J.W.
Auteur : Mogul, H.C - Texas Instrum. Inc., Dallas, TX, USA
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/MOGUL1.pdf - 10 pages, 863 Ko.
Source : Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 1998. 36th Annual. 1998 IEEE International
Pages : 47 - 56
Date : 31 March-2 April 1998
ISBN : 0-7803-4400-6
Info : IEEE Catalog Number: 98CH36173 ; Total Pages : vii+421
Abstract :
A temperature-independent field acceleration parameter /spl
gamma/ and a field-independent activation energy /spl Delta/Ho
can result when different types of disturbed bonding states are
mixed during time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) testing
of SiO/sub 2/ thin films. While /spl gamma/ for each defect type
alone has the expected 1/T dependence and /spl Delta/Ho shows a
linear decrease with electric field, a nearly
temperature-independent /spl gamma/ and a field-independent /spl
Delta/Ho can result when two or more disturbed bonding states are
mixed. These observations suggest strongly that the oxygen
vacancy is an important intrinsic defect for breakdown and that
field, not current, is the cause of TDDB under low-field
Subject_terms :
electric breakdown; disturbed bonding states; SiO/sub 2/
thin-films; time-dependent dielectric breakdown;
temperature-independent field acceleration parameter;
field-independent activation energy; disturbed bonding state
mixing; time-dependent dielectric breakdown testing; TDDB
testing; defect type; electric field; oxygen vacancy; intrinsic
breakdown defect; low-field conditions; SiO/sub 2/
References : 28
Accession_Number : 6016298
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