Article : [SHEET290]
Titre : AN1172, L. GONTHIER, The new ACStm series: a breakthrough in ruggedness & drive for home appliances, APPLICATION NOTE AN1172, september 1999, 17 pages.
Cité dans : [DIV009] Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005.Auteur : L. Gonthier
Date : septembre 1999
Lien : AN1172.pdf - 189 Ko, 17 pages.
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Home appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators and dishwashers use a lot of low power loads
such as valves, door lock systems, dispensers or drain pumps. Since these loads are powered by the
mains in ON / OFF mode, they were initially controlled by relays. Recently, relays have been replaced by
triacs, due to their smaller size and lower driving energy. Nevertheless triacs don’t fulfill alone the new
requirements that users now need and are used with others components.
Power switches must now be directly driven by a microcontroller unit (MCU) and must be robust to
withstand the a.c. line transients so that systems may fall into line with new European electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) standards. ACSs (for Alternative Current Switches) have been designed with this goal
mind, i.e. to offer logic level and more robust semiconductor devices.
On the other hand, ACSs have been developed adopting a functional integration approach. They can be
used directly between a MCU and the load. An external protection or buffer circuit are not required since
these are already integrated on the die. This considerably reduces the overall electronic board size.
Moreover, the array of ACSs allows one device to control the various loads typically required in a washer
Table 1 gives the RMS current of loads that can be controlled by ACS402-5SB4 or ACS108-5SA/N, in ON /
OFF control mode.
- P.Rault, "Triacs for Home Appliances: present and future", PCIM forum, Honk Kong, pp. 57-65, 1998.
- E.Leblanc, "Thyristors and Triacs, an Important Parameter: the Holding Current", Application Note n°302, STMicroelectronics, February 1989.
- P.Rault, "Improvement in the Triac commutation", Application Note n°439, STMicroelectronics, May 1992.
- SCR Manual, General Electric, 6th Edition, 1979.
[1] : [SHEET094] P. RAULT, Triacs for home appliances: present and future, PCIM'98 Forum Hong Kong, October 14-15, 1998. [2] : [DATA053] AN302, E. LEBLANC, Thyristors and triacs, an important parameter : the holding current, février 1989. [3] : [DATA054] AN439, P. RAULT, Improvement in the triac commutation, Application note, may 1992. [4] : [LIVRE102] GENERAL ELECTRICS, SCR manual including triacs and other thyristors, sixth edition, 1979.
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