Article : [SHEET136]
Titre : Simulating single-event burnout of n-channel power MOSFET's, 1993.
Cité dans :[THESE071] E. LORFEVRE, Défaillances induites par les rayonnements ionisants dans les composants de puissance IGBT et VIP. Solutions de durcissement, thèse de Doctorat, Montpellier, 30 octobre 1998.Auteur : Johnson, G.H.;
Appears : Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Page : 1001 - 1008
Date : May 1993
Volume : 40
Issue : 5
ISSN : 0018-9383
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/JOHNSON.pdf - 441 Ko.
Abstract :
Single-event burnout of power MOSFETs is a sudden catastrophic
failure mechanism that is initiated by the passage of a heavy ion
through the device structure. The passage of the heavy ion
generates a current filament that locally turns on a parasitic
n-p-n transistor inherent to the power MOSFET. Subsequent high
currents and high voltage in the device induce second breakdown
of the parasitic bipolar transistor and hence meltdown of the
device. This paper presents a model that can be used for
simulating the burnout mechanism in order to gain insight into
the significant device parameters that most influence the
single-event burnout susceptibility of n-channel power MOSFETs.<>
Subjet_terms :
heavy ion passage; DMOS cell; avalanche multiplication factor;
single-event burnout; catastrophic failure mechanism; current
filament; parasitic n-p-n transistor; high currents; high
voltage; second breakdown; meltdown; model; n-channel power
MOSFETs; impact ionisation; insulated gate field effect
transistors; ion beam effects; power transistors; semiconductor
device models; transients
Accession_Number : 4424251
References : 11
[1] : [SHEET135] Temperature dependence of single-event burnout in n-channel power MOSFETs (for space application), 1992.
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