Article : [SHEET092]
Titre : J.C.CREBIER, D. BUZON, M. BRUNELLO, J.P. FERRIEUX, The three-phase interleaved boost rectifier: Study and comparison, EPE'99, 7-8 septembre 1999, 7 pages.
Cité dans :[REVUE075] La revue 3E.I, N°18, Pratiques pédagogiques et réalités industrielles, septembre 1999. Cité dans :[99DIV076] EPE'99, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Suisse, 7-9 septembre 1999.Auteurs : Jean Christophe CREBIER, Didier BUZON, Marc BRUNELLO, Jean Paul FERRIEUX
Adresse : Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble (LEG)
ENSIEG, BP 46, 38402 St Martin d’Hères cedex,
Phone 33/(0) Fax 33/(0)
Lien :
Lien : private/PP160.pdf - 387 Ko, 7 pages.
Keywords :
Efficiency, harmonics, high frequency power converter, power factor correction, power quality,
switched mode power supplies, three phase systems.
Abstract :
The three-phase interleaved boost rectifier operating in discontinuous current mode (DCM) is studied
and characterized. It presents advantages compared with classical DCM boost rectifiers. Better power
factor correction (PFC), reduced high frequency harmonics, lower output voltage, and greater
efficiency are the main ones. Easy to control, it draws continuous courant mode input currents. It is
suitable for medium power switch mode power supplies.
References : 10
1. International electrotechnical commission IEC1000-3-2, "Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current < 16A per phase)", August 1995.
2. International electrotechnical commission project, "Harmonic limits for connection of equipment with input current exceeding 16A to the public low voltage supply system", November 1995.
3. B.R. Lin, T.S. Hwang, "Topologies for high power factor three-phase AC to DC converter", EPE 95, pp2.858-2.863.
4. O. Garcia, J.A. Cobos, R. Priet and J. Uceda, "Single switch AC/DC power factor correction converter valid for both three phase and single phase application", EPE'97, pp1.188-1.193.
5. A.R. Prasad, P.D. Ziogas, S. Mantias, "An active power factor correction technique for 3 phase diode rectifier", PESC 89, pp58-66.
6. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, "Power electronics, converters, applications and design", 2nd edition, Wiley, 1995.
7. A. Nabae, H. Nakano, S. Arai, "Novel sinusoidal converters with power factor", IAS 94, pp 775.
8. B. Knorr, U. Knorr, L. Zacharias, H. Puder, "SIMPLORER, reference manual - version 3.3", SIMEC GmbH & Co KG, 1998.
9. L. Simonetti, J. Sebastian, J. Uceda, "Single switch 3 phase power factor preregulator under variable switching frequency and discontinuous input current", PESC 93, pp 657.
10. E.H. Ismail, R. Erickson, "A single transistor three-phase resonant switch for high quality rectification",PESC 92, pp1341-1351
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