Article : [SHEET088]
Titre : P. VOSS, K.H. MAIER, W. MECZYNSKI, H.W. BECKER, E. NORMAND, J.-L. WERT, D.I. OBERG, P.P. MAJEWSKI, Irradiation experiments with high-voltage power devices as a possible means to predict failure rates due to cosmic rays, ISPSD'97.
Cité dans : [PAP071] A.A. JAECKLIN, Integration of power components - State of the art and trends, proceeding of EPE'97, Trondheim, 1997, vol. 1, pp. 1.001-1.006. Cité dans : [CONF007] ISPSD, Internationnal Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & Integrated CircuitsAuteurs : Voss, P.; Maier, K.H.; Meczynski, W.; Becker, H.W.; Normand, E.; Wert, - J.L.; Oberg, D.I.; Majewski, P.P. - Hahn-Meitner-Inst., Berlin, Germany
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/VOSS.pdf - 4 pages, 399 Ko.
Appears : in Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's, 1997. ISPSD '97., 1997 IEEE International Symposium on
Pages : 169 - 172
Date : 26-29 May 1997
ISBN : 0-7803-3993-2, IEEE Catalog Number: 97CH36086, Total Pages: 375
Reference_cited : 8
Accession_Number : 5703909
Abstract :
High-voltage diodes with active areas between 1 cm/sup 2/ and 32
cm/sup 2/ were irradiated either with carbon ions having energies
between 17 MeV and 252 MeV or /spl alpha/-particles of 98 MeV or
neutrons with energies up to 800 MeV. As the voltage across the
devices was raised all of them failed eventually, even if there
was a 1 MOhm resistor in series. With the high-energy carbon ions
it could be shown that the failure can be triggered at locations
that are hundreds of microns away from the pn-junction. The
neutron experiment indicates that there may be a steep fall-off
in failure rate at the lowest voltages.
Subjet_terms :
power semiconductor diodes; high-voltage power devices; failure
rates; cosmic rays; power semiconductor diodes; active areas; ion
irradiation; /spl alpha/-particle irradiation; neutron
irradiation; pn-junction; fall-off; 17 to 252 MeV; 98 MeV; 800 MeV
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