Magazine "Bodo's Power Systems", N° 11-08, November 2008.
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Titre : Magazine Bodo's Power Systems, N° 11-08, November 2008.

Cité dans : [DIV535]  Liste des magazines Bodo's Power Systems, novembre 2015.
Cité dans : [DIV039]  Liste de revues diverses en électronique, avril 2016.
Cité dans : [DIV002]  Liste des librairies et des catalogues constructeurs, décembre 2014.

Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Date : November 2008
Numéro : 11-08
ISSN : 1863-5598
Site :
Lien : private/bp_2008_11.pdf - 88 pages, 6427 Ko.

Vers : Sommaire
Vers : Unipolar Switching Full Bridge Modules Make Solar Inverters More Efficient

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24-26: PMSM Control for Naturally Rotating Loads
28-30: Keeping the Electricity flowing in Southern Africa
32-35: High-Frequency Gate Drive Module Features Ultra-Flat Design
36-37: Measuring Currents without Losses
38-40: Getting the Most from your Brushless DC Motor
42-46: Unipolar Switching Full Bridge Modules Make Solar Inverters more Efficient.
48-50: Power-Save Mode Principles
52-54: Get Your Motor Running…
56-58: Advances in Ignition Systems

Unipolar Switching Full Bridge Modules Make Solar Inverters More Efficient


Auteur : Serge Bontemps - Microsemi Power Products Group, Power Modules
Lien : private/bp_2008_11_p42-46.pdf - 3 pages, 154 Ko.

Abstract :
The size, performance, reliability and cost are very important criteria
The decrease of fossil fuel resources, the global climate and the environmental problems
on the planet requiring a significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions lead us
to use the energy in a more efficient and intelligent manner.
There are from now on great economical and health benefits to exploit a renewable
energy and an infinite resource like the sun.

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