Fiche : [REVUE635]
Titre : EPE Journal, European Power Electronics and Drives, Volume 15, N° 1, 2005.
Cité dans : [DIV322] Les revues EPE Journal et EPE Newsletter, février 2011.Volume : 15
EPE Journal Volume 15-1 - Editorial
Invitation to EPE 2005 in Dresden (Germany) [Details]
By Dr. L. Lorenz
Editorial of EPE Journal Volume 15-1 - Invitation to EPE 2005 in Dresden
(Germany), written by Dr. Leo Lorenz
EPE Journal Volume 15-1 - Papers
A Sampled-Data Reduced Order Dynamic Model for a Self-Sustained
Series-Parallel Resonant Converter [Details]
By M. Z. Youssef; H. Pinheiro; P. K. Jain
Resonant converters are well known in many industrial applications due to
their high operating frequency and lossless switching. The series parallel
hybrid type converter has been known as the most promising resonant
topology, as it provides a considerably wide operating range with
optimized ratings of components. Unfortunately, it has a wide range of
operating frequency under the conventional variable frequency control
(VF). The self-sustained oscillation control (SSOC) technique was proposed
in 1997 in order to further reduce the range of regulating frequency
necessary for zero voltage switching (ZVS) and consequently optimize the
converter design to achieve a more compact size and consequently lower
cost. However, optimizing the converter design at such high frequencies is
not an easy task. The first step for achieving this objective is to have a
sound and accurate mathematical model for the converter. This paper
describes a simple fifth-order dynamic model with a more systematic
approach based on the sampled data technique; it has the advantages of
being more accurate, easily computed, and has a lower order than its
continuous time predecessor found in [1], which was of a seventh order
model. In this paper, the complete analysis, modeling, and design of the
seriesparallel resonant converter with an inductive output filter under
the SSOC is investigated and verified.
The Use of Power Sums to Solve the Harmonic Elimination Equations for
Multilevel Converters [Details]
By J. N. Chiasson; L. M. Tolbert; Z. Du; K. J. McKenzie
A method is presented to compute the switching angles in a multilevel
converter so as to produce the required fundamental voltage while at the
same time not generate higher order harmonics. Previous work has shown
that the transcendental equations characterizing the harmonic content can
be converted to polynomial equations which are then solved using the
method of resultants from elimination theory. However, when there are
several DC sources, the degree of the polynomials are quite large making
the computational burden of their resultant polynomials via elimination
theory quite high. Here, it is shown that by reformulating the problem in
terms of power sums, the degree of the polynomial equations that must be
solved are reduced significantly which in turn reduces the computational
burden. In contrast to numerical techniques, the approach here produces
all possible solutions.
Non-Equilibrium State Capacitor-Voltage Stabilization in a Hybrid
Asymmetric Nine-level Inverter: Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control
By M. Veenstra; A. Rufer
In symmetric multilevel inverters, there is a tradeoff between the output
quality and the reliability and efficiency of the converter. New
asymmetric and hybrid solutions, using different voltages and devices in
various parts of the inverter, promise significant improvements for
medium-voltage applications. This paper investigates such a hybrid
asymmetric nine-level inverter. It consists of a three-phase three-level
main inverter, with a two-leg two-level sub inverter in series with each
phase (Fig. 1). To keep the power part simple and the efficiency high, the
sub inverters have no feeding from the net and can only supply reactive
power. But the nonsupplied intermediate-circuit capacitors form an
unstable system. This paper proposes a control method to stabilize their
voltages. Power balancing is guaranteed by varying the common-mode
voltage, using an on-line nonlinear model-predictive controller. The
controller predicts the system evolution as a function of the control
inputs. A cost function of system and control quantities is iteratively
minimized in real time, to find the optimal control to apply to the
system. Simulations and measurements demonstrate stable behaviour in
steady state and during transients. The originality of this paper is the
application of nonlinear model-predictive control in power electronics.
A Space Phasor Based Current Hysteresis Controller Using Adjacent Inverter
Voltage Vectors with Smooth Transition to Six Step Operation for a Three
Phase VSI [Details]
By M. R. Baiju; K. K. Mohapatra; R. S. Kanchan; P. N. Tekwani; K.
In this paper, a space phasor based current hysteresis controller for a
three-phase voltage source inverter is proposed. The current errors are
determined along three axes, which are orthogonal to the A, B, C phases,
and the current error space phasor is held within a hexagonal boundary.
The proposed controller does not require any computation of machine
voltage vector and uses only those inverter voltage vectors, which are
adjacent to the machine voltage vector for the entire range of operation.
The region detection logic employed in the proposed controller ensures
that, the vector (among the three adjacent vectors), which has the largest
deviation in the opposite direction, is selected, for all the regions of
the hexagonal boundary. A simple self-adapting logic is used to effect
sector changes and smooth transition to six-step mode of operation is
achieved. The proposed controller is implemented for a 5hp induction motor
Comparative Study of Starting Methods for a Single-Phase Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor [Details]
By M. Popescu; T.J.E. Miller; C. Cossar; M. McGilp; G. Strappazzon; N.
Trivillin; R. Santarossa
This paper compares three starting methods for a single-phase interior
permanent magnet synchronous motor. One is a line-start capacitor motor
with a starting cage. The second is the same cage motor with an open-loop
variable-voltage fixed-frequency inverter. The third uses the same motor
without its starting cage, fed from a closed-loop current-regulated
inverter with shaft position feedback. The computed starting performance
is compared with test data for all three cases.
Compact ASD Topologies for Single-Phase Integrated Motor Drives with
Sinusoidal Input Current [Details]
By C. Klumpner; F. Blaabjerg; P. Thogersen
A standard configuration of an Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) consists of
two separate units: an AC motor, which runs with fixed speed when it is
supplied from a constant frequency grid voltage and a frequency converter,
which is used to provide the motor with variable voltage-variable
frequency needed to adjust the speed of the motor. The integrated motor
drive concept is a result of merging the two units in order to achieve the
following benefits [1-3]: reducing the design and the commissioning time
in complex industrial equipments, no need for a cabinet to host the
frequency converter, no need for shielded cables to reduce EMI (Electro
Magnetic Interference), no need for cables for the speed transducers or
for other sensors for industrial process control (e.g. pressure). This
solution is currently available up to 7.5 kW being not used in the medium
and high power range due to a low-density integration of the converter
caused by the large size of the passive components (electrolytic
capacitors and iron chokes) and vibration of the converter enclosure. This
paper analyzes the implementation aspects for obtaining a compact and cost
effective single-phase ASD with sinusoidal input current, investigating
the physical removal of power inductors from the converter enclosure in
conjunction with reducing the number of semiconductor active devices.
There are two ways to do that: to integrate the inductors in the unused
area of the stator yoke of the motor or to use the leakage inductance of
the induction motor as a boost inductor for a PFC (Power Factor
Correction) stage controlled by the inverter zero-sequence voltage
component. By determining how much energy is possible to store in a corner
inductor, it is proven that integrating the magnetics into the stator yoke
is a feasible solution. Topologies of single-phase converters that take
advantage of the motor leakage inductance are analyzed. The installed
power in silicon active devices of these topologies is compared with a
standard situation, showing that this will involve higher cost. As the
iron core of the inductors is not suitable for high frequency operation,
higher core losses will occur, but outside the converter enclosure. The
advantages are: the reduction of the number of active semiconductor
devices, the reduction of the ASD size and the better integration
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