Revue : [REVUE533]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 19, Issue 4, July 2004.
Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013.
Volume : 19
Issue : 4
Date : July 2004
Table of contents
Pages : c1- c4
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IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics publication information
Pages : c2- c2
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Physical CAD model for high-voltage IGBTs based on lumped-charge approach
Iannuzzo, F.; Busatto, G.
Pages : 885- 893
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Active Voltage control of IGBTs for high power applications
Palmer, P.R.; Rajamani, H.S.
Pages : 894- 901
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A thermal model for insulated gate bipolar transistor module
Zhaohui Luo; Hyungkeun Ahn; Nokali, M.A.E.
Pages : 902- 907
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Active current transformer circuits for low distortion sensing in switched mode power converters
McNeill, N.; Gupta, N.K.; Armstrong, W.G.
Pages : 908- 917
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DC-DC converter: four switches V/sub pk/=V/sub in//2, capacitive turn-off snubbing, ZV turn-on
Barbi, I.; Gules, R.; Redl, R.; Sokal, N.O.
Pages : 918- 927
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Single-switch parallel power factor correction AC-DC converters with inherent load current feedback
Qun Zhao; Ming Xu; Lee, F.C.; Jinrong Qian
Pages : 928- 936
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Paralleled DSP-based soft switching-mode rectifiers with robust voltage regulation control
Sheng-Hua Li; Chang-Ming Liaw
Pages : 937- 946
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Zero-voltage-switching half-bridge DC-DC converter with modified PWM control method
Hong Mao; Abu-Qahouq, J.; Shiguo Luo; Batarseh, I.
Pages : 947- 958
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Calculation and stability investigation of periodic steady states of the voltage controlled Buck DC-DC converter
Papafotiou, G.A.; Margaris, N.I.
Pages : 959- 970
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Novel static inverters with high frequency pulse DC link
Daolian Chen; Lei Li
Pages : 971- 978
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A unique fault-tolerant design for flying capacitor multilevel inverter
Xiaomin Kou; Corzine, K.A.; Familiant, Y.L.
Pages : 979- 987
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Reference current estimation under distorted line voltage for control of shunt active power filters
Moreno, V.M.; Lopez, A.P.; Garcias, R.I.D.
Pages : 988- 994
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Investigating an LCL load resonant inverter for inductive power transfer applications
Chwei-Sen Wang; Covic, G.A.; Stielau, O.H.
Pages : 995- 1002
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Theoretical study and implementation of a fast transient response hybrid power supply
Barrado, A.; Vazquez, R.; Olias, E.; Lazaro, A.; Pleite, J.
Pages : 1003- 1009
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A describing function for resonantly commutated H-bridge inverters
Sewell, H.I.; Stone, D.A.; Bingham, C.M.
Pages : 1010- 1021
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High-performance induction motor speed control using exact feedback linearization with state and state derivative feedback
Boukas, T.K.; Habetler, T.G.
Pages : 1022- 1028
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An accurate approach of nonlinearity compensation for VSI inverter output voltage
Hengbing Zhao; Wu, Q.M.J.; Kawamura, A.
Pages : 1029- 1035
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A novel active power quality compensator topology for electrified railway
Zhuo Sun; Xinjian Jiang; Dongqi Zhu; Guixin Zhang
Pages : 1036- 1042
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A robust multilevel hybrid compensation system for 25-kV electrified railway applications
Pee-Chin Tan; Poh Chiang Loh; Holmes, D.G.
Pages : 1043- 1052
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VSC-HVDC station with SSSC characteristics
Jowder, F.A.Ra.; Boon Teck Ooi
Pages : 1053- 1059
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Odd-harmonic digital repetitive control of a single-phase current active filter
Costa-Castello, R.; Grino, R.; Fossas, E.
Pages : 1060- 1068
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Design and performance of a passive EMI filter for use with a voltage-source PWM inverter having sinusoidal output voltage and zero common-mode voltage
Akagi, H.; Hasegawa, H.; Doumoto, T.
Pages : 1069- 1076
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Unified power flow controller using the cascade multilevel inverter
Jin Wang; Peng, F.Z.
Pages : 1077- 1084
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Fuzzy optimization techniques applied to the design of a digital PMSM servo drive
Kuang-Yao Cheng; Ying-Yu Tzou
Pages : 1085- 1099
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A novel stopping method for induction motors operating from variable frequency drives
Swamy, M.M.; Kume, T.; Yukihira, Y.; Shuichi Fujii; Sawamura, M.
Pages : 1100- 1107
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Fault tolerant three-phase AC motor drive topologies: a comparison of features, cost, and limitations
Welchko, B.A.; Lipo, T.A.; Jahns, T.M.; Schulz, S.E.
Pages : 1108- 1116
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A dynamic collisional-radiative model of a low-pressure mercury-argon discharge lamp: a physical approach to modeling fluorescent lamps for circuit simulations
Ka Hong Loo; Moss, G.J.; Tozer, R.C.; Stone, D.A.; Jinno, M.; Devonshire, R.
Pages : 1117- 1129
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Cascaded DC-DC converter connection of photovoltaic modules
Walker, G.R.; Sernia, P.C.
Pages : 1130- 1139
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Synergetic control of power converters for pulse current charging of advanced batteries from a fuel cell power source
Zhenhua Jiang; Dougal, R.A.
Pages : 1140- 1150
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Concerning "Instantaneous power compensation in three-phase systems by using p-q-r theory"
Depenbrock, M.; Staudt, V.; Wrede, H.
Pages : 1151- 1152
Lien : private/DEPENBROCK1.pdf - 2 pages, 201 Ko.
Explore IEL IEEE's most comprehensive resource
Pages : 1153- 1153
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Pages : 1154- 1154
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IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics information for authors
Pages : 1155- 1156
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IEEE Power Electronics Society Information
Pages : c3- c3
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