Revue : [REVUE516]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 50, Issue 6, December 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV369] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, novembre 2005.
Volume : 50
Issue : 6
Date : December 2003
Guest editorial
Mutoh, N.; Ohnishi, K.; Matsui, N.
Pages : 1074- 1077
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New simplified method for the simulation of conducted EMI generated by switched power converters
Gonzalez, D.; Gago, J.; Balcells, J.
Pages : 1078- 1084
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Multilayer power printed structures suitable for controlling EMI noises generated in power converters
Mutoh, N.; Nakashima, J.; Kanesaki, M.
Pages : 1085- 1094
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Balanced switching converter to reduce common-mode conducted noise
Shoyama, M.; Ge Li; Ninomiya, T.
Pages : 1095- 1099
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Application-oriented comparison of the methods for AC/DC converter harmonics analysis
Katic, V.A.; Knezevic, J.M.; Graovac, D.
Pages : 1100- 1108
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Neural network technique for the joint time-frequency analysis of distorted signal
Bertoluzzo, M.; Buja, G.S.; Castellan, S.; Fiorentin, P.
Pages : 1109- 1115
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Nonlinear dynamics of power-factor-correction converter
Orabi, M.; Ninomiya, T.
Pages : 1116- 1125
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AC line voltage harmonics compensator with excessive current control
Ohnishi, T.; Hojo, M.
Pages : 1126- 1133
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Current waveform control of PWM converter system for harmonic suppression on distribution system
Takeshita, T.; Matsui, N.
Pages : 1134- 1139
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Experimental verification of disturbance-observer-based active filter for resonance suppression
Hamasaki, S.-I.; Cao, M.; Kawamura, A.
Pages : 1140- 1147
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Modeling and harmonic suppression for power distribution systems
Saito, M.; Takeshita, T.; Matsui, N.
Pages : 1148- 1158
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Dsp- and gps-based synchronized measurement system of harmonics in wide-area distribution system
Ukai, H.; Nakamura, K.; Matsui, N.
Pages : 1159- 1164
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A new dynamic model of hysteresis in harmonic drives
Dhaouadi, R.; Ghorbel, F.H.; Gandhi, P.S.
Pages : 1165- 1171
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Gmdh-based modeling and feedforward compensation for nonlinear friction in table drive systems
Iwasaki, M.; Takei, H.; Matsui, N.
Pages : 1172- 1178
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Comparative analysis on resonance compensation in hdd dual-stage actuation systems
Daowei Wu; Guoxiao Guo; Chong, T.C.
Pages : 1179- 1186
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A harmonic elimination and suppression scheme for an open-end winding induction motor drive
Mohapatra, K.K.; Gopakumar, K.; Somasekhar, V.T.; Umanand, L.
Pages : 1187- 1198
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Pole selection of feedforward compensators considering bounded control input of industrial mechatronic systems
Munasinghe, S.R.; Nakamura, M.; Goto, S.; Kyura, N.
Pages : 1199- 1206
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Advanced disturbance observer design for mechanical positioning systems
Bong Keun Kim; Wan Kyun Chung
Pages : 1207- 1216
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Current signature analysis of induction motor mechanical faults by wavelet packet decomposition
Zhongming Ye; Bin Wu; Sadeghian, A.
Pages : 1217- 1228
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Vrla battery rapid charging under stress management
Hunter, P.M.; Anbuky, A.H.
Pages : 1229- 1237
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Source voltage sensorless estimation scheme for pwm rectifiers under unbalanced conditions
Hong-Seok Song; In-Won Joo; Kwanghee Nam
Pages : 1238- 1245
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A cmos integrated driver for incandescent lamps with output power control
D'Abramo, P.; Roncella, R.; Saletti, R.
Pages : 1246- 1252
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Performance of a high-voltage dc amplifier for electrostatic levitation applications
Feng-Tian Han; Zhong-Yu Gao; Yong-Liang Wang
Pages : 1253- 1258
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Single-stage line-coupled half-bridge ballast with unity power factor and ripple-free input current using a coupled inductor
Hyun-Lark Do; Bong-Hwan Kwon
Pages : 1259- 1266
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Self-oscillating dimmable electronic ballast
Seidel, A.R.; Bisogno, F.E.; Pinheiro, H.; do Prado, R.N.
Pages : 1267- 1274
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Active front-end converter for medium-voltage current-source drives using sequential-sampling synchronous space-vector modulation
Wiechmann, E.P.; Burgos, R.P.; Holtz, J.
Pages : 1275- 1289
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A simple ac-dc pwm full-bridge converter with integrated power-factor correction
Moschopoulos, G.
Pages : 1290- 1297
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Knowledge-based control for rgb convergence in deflection yoke of cdt
Byeong-Mook Chung
Pages : 1298- 1304
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Short-term electric load forecasting based on a neural fuzzy network
Ling, S.H.; Leung, F.H.F.; Lam, H.K.; Tam, P.K.S.
Pages : 1305- 1316
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Implementation of robust wavelet-neural-network sliding-mode control for induction servo motor drive
Rong-Jong Wai; Jia-Ming Chang
Pages : 1317- 1334
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An electrode power control scheme for dimmable electronic ballasts
Lee, S.T.S.; Chung, H.S.H.; Hui, S.Y.R.
Pages : 1335- 1337
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New actuation method for push-pull electrostatic mems comb drive
Tao Zhao; Liang, Y.C.
Pages : 1337- 1339
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Adaptive filtering using multiplicative general parameters for zero-crossing detection
Vainio, O.; Ovaska, S.J.; Polla, M.
Pages : 1340- 1342
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Author Index
Pages : 1343- 1349
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Subject Index
Pages : 1349- 1366
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