Revue : [REVUE514]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 19, Issue 2, March 2004.
Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013.
Volume : 19
Issue : 2
Date : March 2004
Table of contents
Pages : c1- c4
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IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics publication information
Pages : c2- c2
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An implementation of a programmable cascaded low-pass filter for a rotor flux synthesizer for an induction motor drive
Karanayil, B.; Rahman, M.F.; Grantham, C.
Pages : 257- 263
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Overvoltage suppression filter design methods based on voltage reflection theory
SangCheol Lee; KwangHee Nam
Pages : 264- 271
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Torque ripple minimization in PM synchronous motors using iterative learning control
Weizhe Qian; Panda, S.K.; Jian-Xin Xu
Pages : 272- 279
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Novel soft-switching inverter for brushless DC motor variable speed drive system
Zhi Yang Pan; Fang Lin Luo
Pages : 280- 288
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Fault-tolerant switched reluctance motor drive using adaptive fuzzy logic controller
Mir, S.; Islam, M.S.; Sebastian, T.; Husain, I.
Pages : 289- 295
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Low-cost sensorless control of brushless DC motors with improved speed range
Gui-Jia Su; McKeever, J.W.
Pages : 296- 302
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Short term braking capability during power interruptions for integrated matrix converter-motor drives
Klumpner, C.; Blaabjerg, F.
Pages : 303- 311
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Commutation torque ripple reduction in brushless DC motor drives using a single DC current sensor
Joong-Ho Song; Ick Choy
Pages : 312- 319
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A novel concept of a multiphase, multimotor vector controlled drive system supplied from a single voltage source inverter
Levi, E.; Jones, M.; Vukosavic, S.N.; Toliyat, H.A.
Pages : 320- 335
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Analysis and validation of a real-time AC drive simulator
Champagne, R.; Dessaint, L.-A.; Fortin-Blanchette, H.; Sybille, G.
Pages : 336- 345
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A novel direct torque controlled interior permanent magnet synchronous machine drive with low ripple in flux and torque and fixed switching frequency
Lixin Tang; Limin Zhong; Rahman, M.F.; Hu, Y.
Pages : 346- 354
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Closed loop control of excitation parameters for high speed switched-reluctance generators
Sozer, Y.; Torrey, D.A.
Pages : 355- 362
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A passive soft-switching snubber for PWM inverters
Peng, F.Z.; Gui-Jia Su; Tolbert, L.M.
Pages : 363- 370
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A 12 kW three-phase low THD rectifier with high-frequency isolation and regulated DC output
de Seixas, F.J.M.; Barbi, I.
Pages : 371- 377
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PFC full bridge rectifiers EMI modeling and analysis-common mode disturbance reduction
Crebier, J.-C.; Ferrieux, J.-P.
Pages : 378- 387
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A soft-single-switched forward converter with low stresses and two derived structures
da Silva, E.S.; Coelho, E.A.A.; de Freitas, L.C.; Vieira, J.B., Jr.; Farias, V.J.
Pages : 388- 395
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Zero-current and zero-voltage soft-transition commutation cell for PWM inverters
de Oliveira Stein, C.M.; Grundling, H.A.; Pinheiro, H.; Pinheiro, J.R.; Hey, H.L.
Pages : 396- 403
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DC voltage sensorless single-phase PFC converter
Ohnishi, T.; Hojo, M.
Pages : 404- 410
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Analysis and design of phase shift full bridge converter with series-connected two transformers
Gwan-Bon Koo; Gun-Woo Moon; Myung-Joong Youn
Pages : 411- 419
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A novel ZVS DC/DC converter for high power applications
Junming Zhang; Fan Zhang; Xiaogao Xie; Dezhi Jiao; Zhaoming Qian
Pages : 420- 429
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A low frequency AC to high frequency AC inverter with build-in power factor correction and soft-switching
Wennan Guo; Jain, P.K.
Pages : 430- 442
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A low voltage, dynamic, noninverting, synchronous buck-boost converter for portable applications
Sahu, B.; Rincon-Mora, G.A.
Pages : 443- 452
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The double discontinuous mode operation of a converter: a method for soft switching
Sadarnac, D.; Abida, W.; Karimi, C.
Pages : 453- 460
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Asymmetrical voltage-cancellation control for full-bridge series resonant inverters
Burdio, J.M.; Barragan, L.A.; Monterde, F.; Navarro, D.; Acero, J.
Pages : 461- 469
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A resonant MOSFET gate driver with efficient energy recovery
Yuhui Chen; Lee, F.C.; Amoroso, L.; Ho-Pu Wu
Pages : 470- 477
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A unified approach to solving the harmonic elimination equations in multilevel converters
Chiasson, J.N.; Tolbert, L.M.; McKenzie, K.J.; Zhong Du
Pages : 478- 490
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A complete solution to the harmonic elimination problem
Chiasson, J.N.; Tolbert, L.M.; McKenzie, K.J.; Zhong Du
Pages : 491- 499
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Rapid prototyping tools for power electronic systems: demonstration with shunt active power filters
Jacobs, J.; Detjen, D.; Karipidis, C.-U.; De Doncker, R.W.
Pages : 500- 507
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Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 19, Issue: 2, Year: March 2004
A control structure for fast harmonics compensation in active filters
Allmeling, J.
Pages : 508- 514
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Integrated flip-chip flex-circuit packaging for power electronics applications
Ying Xiao; Shah, H.N.; Natarajan, R.; Rymaszewski, E.J.; Chow, T.P.; Gutmann, R.J.
Pages : 515- 522
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Wideband modeling of integrated power passive structures: the series resonator
Lingyin Zhao; van Wyk, J.D.
Pages : 523- 530
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Comparison of realization techniques for PFC inductor operating in discontinuous conduction mode
Leonavicius, V.; Duffy, M.; Boeke, U.; Mathuna, S.C.O.
Pages : 531- 541
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Analysis and modeling of a voltage doubler rectifier fed by a piezoelectric transformer
Ivensky, G.; Shvartsas, M.; Ben-Yaakov, S.
Pages : 542- 549
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Analysis and design of a novel single-stage high-power-factor electronic ballast based on integrated buck half-bridge resonant inverter
Alonso, J.M.; Calleja, A.J.; Ribas, J.; Corominas, E.L.; Rico-Secades, M.
Pages : 550- 559
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Switch-mode rectifier with digital robust ripple compensation and current waveform controls
Hung-Chi Chen; Sheng-Hua Li; Chang-Ming Liaw
Pages : 560- 566
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Correction to “An Innovative Digital Control Architecture for Low-Voltage, High-Current DC–DC Converters With Tight Voltage Regulation”
Pages : 567- 567
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Correction to “$H^infty$Repetitive Control of DC–AC Converters in Microgrids”
Pages : 567- 567
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List of Reviewers
Pages : 568- 569
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Quality without Compromise
Pages : 570- 570
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IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics information for authors
Pages : 571- 572
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IEEE Power Electronics Society Information
Pages : c3- c3
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