Revue : [REVUE449]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 18, Issue 4, July 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013.
Volume : 18
Issue : 4
Date : July 2003
Minimum copper loss flux-weakening control of surface mounted
permanent magnet synchronous motors
Jiunn-Jiang Chen; Kan-Ping Chin
Pages : 929- 936
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (596 KB)]
PCB integrated inductors for low power DC/DC converter
Ludwig, M.; Duffy, M.; O'Donnell, T.; McCloskey, P.; Mathuna, S.C.O.
Pages : 937- 945
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1096 KB)]
New start-up schemes for isolated full-bridge boost converters
Lizhi Zhu; Kunrong Wang; Lee, F.C.; Jih-Sheng Lai
Pages : 946- 951
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (566 KB)]
Three-phase unity-power-factor star-connected switch (VIENNA)
rectifier with unified constant-frequency integration control
Chongming Qiao; Smedley, K.M.
Pages : 952- 957
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (470 KB)]
Design consideration of the active-clamp forward converter with
current mode control during large-signal transient
Li, Q.M.; Lee, F.C.
Pages : 958- 965
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (992 KB)]
Low output voltage AC/DC converter with a new scheme of synchronous
rectification that complies with IEC 1000-3-2 regulations
Fernandez, A.; Sebastian, J.; Alou, P.; Cobos, J.A.; Rascon, M.
Pages : 966- 974
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (662 KB)]
Isolated DC-DC converters with high-output voltage for TWTA
telecommunication satellite applications
Barbi, I.; Gules, R.
Pages : 975- 984
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (828 KB)]
Cyclic-averaging for high-speed analysis of resonant converters
Foster, M.P.; Sewell, H.I.; Bingham, C.M.; Stone, D.A.; Hente, D.;
Howe, D.
Pages : 985- 993
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (597 KB)]
A generalized dynamical model for three-phase switch-mode converter
Morton, A.B.; Mareels, I.M.Y.
Pages : 994- 1001
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (441 KB)]
Design and implementation of a cost-effective quasi line-interactive
UPS with novel topology
Ming Tsung Tsai; Chia Hung Liu
Pages : 1002- 1011
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1104 KB)]
A high-power-factor, three-phase isolated AC-DC converter using
high-frequency current injection
Cross, A.M.; Forsyth, A.J.
Pages : 1012- 1019
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (755 KB)]
New high power DC-DC converter with loss limited switching and
lossless secondary clamp
Bendre, A.; Norris, S.; Divan, D.; Wallace, I.; Gascoigne, R.W.
Pages : 1020- 1027
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (585 KB)]
Comparative study of pulsed DC-link voltage converters
da Silva, E.R.C.; Cavalcanti, M.C.; Jacobina, C.B.
Pages : 1028- 1033
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (420 KB)]
Optimal controller design for a matrix converter based surface
mounted PMSM drive system
Der-Fa Chen; Tian-Hua Liu
Pages : 1034- 1046
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1013 KB)]
On the use of current sensors for the control of power converters
Qiu, D.Y.; Yip, S.C.; Chung, H.S.-H.; Hui, S.Y.R.
Pages : 1047- 1055
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (815 KB)]
Dissipativity-based adaptive and robust control of UPS in unbalanced operation
Valderrama, G.E.; Stankovic, A.M.; Mattavelli, P.
Pages : 1056- 1062
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (543 KB)]
An investigation into the fast- and slow-scale instabilities of a
single phase bidirectional boost converter
Mazumder, S.K.; Nayfeh, A.H.; Boroyevich, D.
Pages : 1063- 1069
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (550 KB)]
A novel discrete control strategy for independent stabilization of
parallel three-phase boost converters by combining space-vector
modulation with variable-structure control
Mazumder, S.K.
Pages : 1070- 1083
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1442 KB)]
Circuit-level comparison of STATCOM technologies
Lee, C.K.; Leung, J.S.K.; Hui, S.Y.R.; Chung, H.S.-H.
Pages : 1084- 1092
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (850 KB)]
Four-wire dynamic voltage restorer based on a three-dimensional
voltage space vector PWM algorithm
Changjiang Zhan; Arulampalam, A.; Jenkins, N.
Pages : 1093- 1102
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1161 KB)]
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