Revue : [REVUE446]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 50, Issue 4, August 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV369] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, novembre 2005.
Volume : 50
Issue : 4
Date : Aug. 2003
Guest Editorial
Kobayashi, H.; Coeffet, P.
Pages : 634- 635
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (198 KB)]
Physical relation and expression: joint attention for human-robot
Imai, M.; Ono, T.; Ishiguro, H.
Pages : 636- 643
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (531 KB)]
Designing for learnability in human-robot communication
Green, A.; Eklundh, K.S.
Pages : 644- 650
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (387 KB)]
A two-arm situated artificial communicator for human-robot
cooperative assembly
Jianwei Zhang; Knoll, A.
Pages : 651- 658
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (620 KB)]
Programming by touch: the different way of human-robot interaction
Grunwald, G.; Schreiber, G.; Albu-Schaffer, A.; Hirzinger, G.
Pages : 659- 666
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (986 KB)]
Extraction of essential interactions through multiple observations
of human demonstrations
Ogawara, K.; Takamatsu, J.; Kimura, H.; Ikeuchi, K.
Pages : 667- 675
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1088 KB)]
A hand-pose estimation for vision-based human interfaces
Ueda, E.; Matsumoto, Y.; Imai, M.; Ogasawara, T.
Pages : 676- 684
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1336 KB)]
A new approach to 3-D modeling of objects with axial symmetry
Chellali, R.; Fremont, V.; Maaoui, C.
Pages : 685- 691
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (766 KB)]
A distributed approach for access and visibility task with a manikin
and a robot in a virtual reality environment
Chedmail, P.; Chablat, D.; Le Roy, C.
Pages : 692- 698
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (779 KB)]
Multi-robot remote driving with collaborative control
Fong, T.; Thorpe, C.; Baur, C.
Pages : 699- 704
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (698 KB)]
Toward interactive learning for manufacturing assistants
Stopp, A.; Horstmann, S.; Kristensen, S.; Lohnert, F.
Pages : 705- 707
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (318 KB)]
Parameter estimation scheme for low-speed linear induction motors
having different leakage inductances
Gubae Kang; Junha Kim; Kwanghee Nam
Pages : 708- 716
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (864 KB)]
Disturbance and nonlinear Luenberger observers for estimating
mechanical variables in permanent magnet synchronous motors under
mechanical parameters uncertainties
Solsona, J.A.; Valla, M.I.
Pages : 717- 725
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (904 KB)]
High efficiency control of synchronous reluctance motors using
extended Kalman filter
Senjyu, T.; Kinjo, K.; Urasaki, N.; Uezato, K.
Pages : 726- 732
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (452 KB)]
Wavelet neural network control for induction motor drive using
sliding-mode design technique
Rong-Jong Wai; Rou-Yong Duan; Jeng-Dao Lee; Han-Hsiang Chang
Pages : 733- 748
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (1038 KB)]
Neural-network-based maximum-power-point tracking of
coupled-inductor interleaved-boost-converter-supplied PV system
using fuzzy controller
Veerachary, M.; Senjyu, T.; Uezato, K.
Pages : 749- 758
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (542 KB)]
A novel single-stage high-power-factor electronic ballast with
symmetrical topology
Cheng, H.L.; Moo, C.S.; Chen, W.M.
Pages : 759- 766
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (620 KB)]
A single-switch continuous-conduction-mode boost converter with
reduced reverse-recovery and switching losses
Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu; Cheng, D.K.-W.; Yim-Shu Lee
Pages : 767- 776
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (944 KB)]
Redundancy resolution in robots using parameterization through space
Kemeny, Z.
Pages : 777- 783
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (618 KB)]
Remote fuzzy logic control of networked control system via
Kyung Chang Lee; Suk Lee; Man Hyung Lee
Pages : 784- 792
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (673 KB)]
A novel genetic-algorithm-based neural network for short-term load
Ling, S.H.; Leung, F.H.F.; Lam, H.K.; Yim-Shu Lee; Tam, P.K.S.
Pages : 793- 799
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (512 KB)]
S-transform-based intelligent system for classification of power
quality disturbance signals
Lee, I.W.C.; Dash, P.K.
Pages : 800- 805
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (759 KB)]
Polling-based MAC protocols for improving real-time performance in a
wireless PROFIBUS
Willig, A.
Pages : 806- 817
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (406 KB)]
Modified integrator for voltage model flux estimation of induction
Hinkkanen, M.; Luomi, J.
Pages : 818- 820
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (260 KB)]
Comments on "Passivity-based control of saturated induction motors"
Novotnak, R.T.; Chiasson, J.
Pages : 820
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (191 KB)]
Definition of a fault recovery protocol compliant with Interbus-S
Cavalieri, S.
Pages : 821- 823
Lien : vide.pdf - [PDF Full-Text (255 KB)]
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