Revue : [REVUE396]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Foreword special issue on digital control in power electronics, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013.
Volume : 18
Issue : 1
Date : January 2003
Leeb, S.B.
Page(s): 293- 293
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (177)]
Embedding DSP control algorithms in PSpice
Detjen, D.; Schroder, S.; De Doncker, R.W.
Page(s): 294- 300
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (468)]
Quantization resolution and limit cycling in digitally controlled PWM converters
Peterchev, A.V.; Sanders, S.R.
Page(s): 301- 308
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (650)]
Digital repetitive controlled three-phase PWM rectifier
Keliang Zhou; Danwei Wang
Page(s): 309- 316
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (787)]
A controller architecture for high bandwidth active power filters
Mossoba, J.; Lehn, P.W.
Page(s): 317- 325
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (588)]
Digitally-controlled single-phase single-stage AC/DC PWM converter
Rossetto, L.; Buso, S.
Page(s): 326- 333
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (592)]
Concurrent and simple digital controller of an AC/DC converter with power factor correction based on an FPGA
de Castro, A.; Zumel, P.; Garcia, O.; Riesgo, T.; Uceda, J.
Page(s): 334- 343
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (926)]
A fixed-frequency quasi-sliding control algorithm: application to power inverters design by means of FPGA implementation
Ramos, R.R.; Biel, D.; Fossas, E.; Guinjoan, F.
Page(s): 344- 355
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1249)]
Architecture and IC implementation of a digital VRM controller
Peterchev, A.V.; Jinwen Xiao; Sanders, S.R.
Page(s): 356- 364
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1231)]
Fast estimation techniques for digital control of resonant converters
Hattrup, C.; van der Broeck, H.W.; Ossmann, M.
Page(s): 365- 372
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (537)]
Control and filter design of three-phase inverters for high power quality grid connection
Prodanovic, M.; Green, T.C.
Page(s): 373- 380
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (548)]
Bilinear discrete-time modeling for enhanced stability prediction and digital control design
Rajasekaran, V.; Jian Sun; Heck, B.S.
Page(s): 381- 389
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (2628)]
Development of a digital controller using a novel complex modulation method for the metal halide lamp ballast
Duk Jin Oh; Kyu Min Cho; Hee Jun Kim
Page(s): 390- 400
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1604)]
Comparison of digital control techniques with repetitive integral action for low cost PWM inverters
Rech, C.; Pinheiro, H.; Grundling, H.A.; Hey, H.L.; Pinheiro, J.R.
Page(s): 401- 410
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (907)]
Predictive digital current programmed control
Jingquan Chen; Prodic, A.; Erickson, R.W.; Maksimovic, D.
Page(s): 411- 419
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (522)]
Self-tuning digitally controlled low-harmonic rectifier having fast dynamic response
Prodic, A.; Jingquan Chen; Maksimovic, D.; Erickson, R.W.
Page(s): 420- 428
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (755)]
Restructuring of first courses in power electronics and electric drives that integrates digital control
Mohan, N.; Robbins, W.P.; Imbertson, P.; Undeland, T.M.; Panaitescu, R.C.; Amit Kumar Jain; Jose, P.; Begalke, T.
Page(s): 429- 437
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (863)]
High-frequency digital PWM controller IC for DC-DC converters
Patella, B.J.; Prodic, A.; Zirger, A.; Maksimovic, D.
Page(s): 438- 446
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (760)]
Delta operator digital filters for high performance inverter applications
Newman, M.J.; Holmes, D.G.
Page(s): 447- 454
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (999)]
Design of FPGA-based emulator for series multicell converters using co-simulation tools
Ruelland, R.; Gateau, G.; Meynard, T.A.; Hapiot, J.-C.
Page(s): 455- 463
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (717)]
A discrete-time predictive current control for PMSM
Hyung-Tae Moon; Hyun-Soo Kim; Myung-Joong Youn
Page(s): 464- 472
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (903)]
High-fidelity PWM inverter for digital audio amplification: spectral analysis, real-time DSP implementation, and results
Pascual, C.; Zukui Song; Krein, P.T.; Sarwate, D.V.; Midya, P.; Roeckner, W.J.
Page(s): 473- 485
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (814)]
A digitally controlled amplifier with ripple cancellation
Jackson, D.K.; Leeb, S.B.
Page(s): 486- 494
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (524)]
Direct current control - a new current regulation principle
Ambrozic, V.; Fiser, R.; Nedeljkovic, D.
Page(s): 495- 503
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (669)]
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