Elsevier Science, "Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 35, Issue 7, Pages 1017-1104 (June 1995.
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Titre : Elsevier Science, Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 35, Issue 7, Pages 1017-1104 (June 1995.

Cité dans : [DATA197] Les revues Microelectronics Reliability et Microelectronics Journal, ELSEVIER, décembre 2004.
Auteur : Elsevier Science

Volume : 35, Issue 7,
Pages : 1017-1104 (June 1995)
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[1] : Overcurrent relay on a FPGA chip, Pages 1017-1022
Mahmoud A. Manzoul and Prasad Modali
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (223 K)

[2] : Optimal control of a removable server in an M/Ek/1 queueing system with
finite capacity, Pages 1023-1030
Wang Kuo-Hsiung and Huang Hui-Mei
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (268 K)

[3] : Comparing the MTBF of four systems with standby components, Pages
Fan C. Meng
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (138 K)

[4] : Stochastic analysis of a general standby system with constant human error
and arbitrary system repair rates, Pages 1037-1045
Yang Nianfu and B. S. Dhillon
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (226 K)

[5] : Accelerated life test data analysis with generalised life distribution
function and with no aging model assumption, Pages 1047-1051
Henryk Maciejewski
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (220 K)

[6] : Profound knowledge application of a major deming principle, Pages
Ronald P. Anjard
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (366 K)

[7] : Markovian-model for systems with independent units, Pages 1059-1061
M. A. El-Damcese
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (112 K)

[8] : Reliability analysis of a two-unit cold standby system with inspection,
replacement, proviso of rest, two types of repair and preparation time,
Pages : 1063-1072
M. A. W. Mahmoud, M. M. Mohie El-Din and M. El-Said Moshref
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (430 K)

[9] : Modeling study of the experimental techniques for the characterization of
mosfet hot-carrier aging, Pages 1073-1104
Predrag Haba
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (1366 K)

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