Dr. Jerry Hudgins
General Chair
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208 USA
Voice: 803-777-5174
Fax: 803-777-8045
E-mail: hudgins@ece.sc.edu
WWW: http://www.ece.sc.edu/faculty/hudgins/

Dr. Rene Spee
Technical Program Chair
Maxwell Technologies
8888 Balboa Avenu
San Diego, CA 92129-1506 USA
Voice: +619-576-769
Fax: +619-637-7411
E-mail: spee@maxwell.com

Dr. Gerald Hurley
IEEE Technical Liaison -
Department of Electronic Engineering
University College
Voice: 750326/24411
Fax: 750511/25700
E-mail: ger.hurley@ucg.ie
WWW: http://weber.ucg.ie/staff/ger_hurley.html

Dr. Johan Enslin
Region 8 Technical Vice-Chair
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1
Matieland, 7602 SOUTH AFRICA
Voice: +27 21 808 4481 / 4455 / 3220 / 4324
Fax: +27 21 808 3554 / 4981
E-mail: jhenslin@firga.sun.ac.za
WWW: http://www.sun.ac.za/local/academic/fak_ing/faculty/home.htm

Dr. Jaime Arau
Region 9 Technical Vice-Chair
Interior Internado Palmira s/n, A.P. 5-164
Cuernavaca 62000, Morelos, MEXICO
Voice and Fax: +52 (73) 18-77-41 or 12-24-34
E-mail: j.arau@ieee.org
or jarau@cenidet.edu.mx

Dr. Dean Patterson
Region 10 Technical Vice-Chair
School of Electrical Engineering
Northern Territory University
Darwin N.T. 0909 AUSTRALIA
Voice:+61 8 8946 6389
Fax: +61 8 8946 6993
E-mail: d_patterson@BANKS.NTU.EDU.AU

Dr. Mark Nelms
Finance Chair
200 Broun Hall
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Auburn University, AL 36849
Voice: (334) 844-1830
Fax:(334) 844-1809
Email: nelms@eng.auburn.edu
WWW: http://www.eng.auburn.edu/department/ee/pages/faculty.html

Dr. Tom Habetler
Publications Chair
School of Electrical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250 USA
Voice: 404-894-9829
Fax: 404-894-9171
E-mail: habetler@ee.gatech.edu
WWW: http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/188/
Dr. Will Portnoy
Conference Awards Co-Chair
Department of Electrical Engineering
208 Electrical Engineering, Mail Stop 3102
Lubbock, Texas 79409 USA
Voice: (806) 742-3532
E-mail: wportnoy@coe.ttu.edu
WWW: http://www.coe.ttu.edu/ee/PORTNOY.HTM
Dr. J. Daan van Wyck
Conference Awards Co-Chair
Rand Afrikaans University
P.O. Box 524
2006 Auckland Park
Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
Voice: +27-11-489-2383
Fax: +27-11-489-2466
E-mail: jdvw@ing1.rau.ac.za
Dr. Enrico Santi
Special Conference Projects Chair
University of South Carolina
Local Industry Chair
Local Arrangements Chair
Sheryl Hudgins
Accompanying Guest Arrangements
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208 USA
E-mail: shudgins@ece.sc.edu
Cindy Spee
Accompanying Guest Arrangements