Power Electronics Society Newsletter Mailing List

By joining this mailing list (a ListServer called "pelsnews") you will receive automatic notification when new issues of our quarterly Newsletters are posted to the PELS WWW site. Only the site administrator is allowed to send out mail to the people on this list. This prevents use of this list for the distribution of junk e-mail (also known as "spam").

To subscribe to the list:
Click on the link below.  Enter subscribe pelsnews, followed by your e-mail address, as the first line in the body of the resulting e-mail message.  The subject line is ignored.

To unsubscribe to the list:
Click on the link below and enter unsubscribe pelsnews,  followed by your e-mail address, in the first line of the body of the resulting e-mail message.

Join Mailing List

If your WWW browser does not support e-mail, then use your regular e-mail program with the address <pels@energy.ece.uiuc.edu>.

Thank you for visiting.  This page is hosted through the courtesy of the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA.  The webmaster can be reached at pels@energy.ece.uiuc.edu.

Contents copyright (c) 1996-2002, IEEE.  All rights reserved.