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PESC® `97 Meets in Shadow of Gateway Arch in St. Louis

Attendees at the 1997 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference sponsored by the Power Electronics Society found a full program of activities, technical and social, illustrated in part by the photographs below.

Regal Riverfront Hotel, PESC 97 site, and Gateway Arch


Starting on Sunday, June 22, with four tutorial sessions, the conference continued with 33 technical sessions in which 222 papers were scheduled, with authors from 33 countries. Three rap sessions were held Tuesday night, and four industrial tours were held on Friday. Some 435 attendees registered for the conference.

Accompanying guests were kept busy with a variety of tours and social events. Registrants and guests met each morning for a continental breakfast, where old friendships were renewed and new ones begun. During the week there were opportunities to attend a major league baseball game, an informal banquet at the Science Center, the annual awards luncheon, and a farewell dinner atop the conference hotel.

In the photographs below, clockwise, starting at top left, the plenary session, General Chair Phil Krein opens PESC `97, Session Chairs, A. von Jouanne and N. Dai, a dinner at the Top of the Riverfront, a very informal rap session, and a field trip to watch the St. Louis Cardinals versus the Chicago Cubs.

Conference opened with a Plenary Session------General Chair Phil Krein opens PESC '97

Taking abreak at a Cardinals-Cubs Game-----Technical Session Co-chairs von Jouanne and Dai

An informal Rap Session-------------------------Dinner at Top of the Riverfront

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