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'98 Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics Set in Italy

COMPEL '98, the 6th IEEE Power Electronics Society Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics is planned for July 19-22, 1998 at Villa Olmo in Como, Italy. The aim of the workshop is in-depth discussion of the details, problems,and solutions of computer-related issues in power electronics. The acronym COMPEL (for Computers in Power ELectronics) was chosen for the name of the biennial workshop at a meeting of the PELS Technical Committee on Computers in Power Electronics during PESC `97 in St. Louis, MO, USA.

A list of relevant topics includes, but is not limited to simulation, benchmarks, analysis and design tools, device models, computer control, measurement and testing, interface standards, CAD, identification, and state estimation.

Prospective participants should submit four copies of an extended digest of no less than four pages and no more than six, with a cover page containing the paper title, name and affiliation of the author(s), mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address, if available.

The program will consist of a half-day tutorial on July 19, workshop presentations July 20-21, and a half-day demo session July 22. A rap session the evening of July 20 is being organized, as well as social functions.

Deadline for submission of a digest is March 1, 1988, notification by April 1, and final paper due by July 19. Electronic submission in Postscript or PDF format should be made to General information is available on the WWW at The workshop is managed by WCPE `98 Conference Secretariat, Dep. di Elettrotecnica, Politecnico di Milano, Pz. Leonardo da Vinci 32, I20133 Milano, Italy, e-mail:

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