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Update on PELS Chapters

by Bill Dunford, Chair, PELS Chapter Development Committee

In May I was able to attend the inaugral meeting of the latest PELS chapter being organized. This is the Santa Clara Valley/Oakland Bay East/San Francisco Chapter and is being chaired by Tom Winegar (TEL: +1-408-446-1172, e-mail: A large group was in attendance for this meeting and I wish them well for the future. Please contact Tom for details of upcoming meetings.

I have just received the chapter details from IEEE Headquarters. There are now officially 31 chapters, although the new chapter mentioned above is counted three times because it is jointly run by three sections. About half of the chapters are sole PELS chapters, with the others joint between various societies.

Some of these chapters are very active, others may not really exist at all. (Ed: For chapter locations, see The President's Message starting on page 1.) Reporting is often poor, both to me and to headquarters. The result is that the information on the web page is often very inaccurate. The $500 annual support payment will only be made to chapters that provide an adequate annual report and budget to me.

W. G. Dunford

Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Engrg.

The University of British Columbia

Vancouver V6T 1Z4 CANADA

TEL: +1-604-822-6660

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