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Leading Scientific Telecommunications Event Heads Down Under

One of the world's most important scientific telecommunications events will held "down under" in Australia for the first time in October 1997. INTELEC® 97, The 19th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, will be staged in Australia's second largest city, Melbourne, at the Melbourne Convention Centre October 19-23.

INTELEC is the leading international forum for the exchange of information on energy and power for communication systems. Since its inception 18 years ago, INTELEC has been held mostly in North America and Europe and has become an essential event for industry professionals and academics.

Winning the event is a real coup for Melbourne and the Southern Hemisphere as for the first time in 18 years the focus will shift south to one of the world's fastest growing regions. By the year 2010 it is expected that 50 per cent of the world's multinationals will be based in Asia Pacific. Already a number of the world's telecommunications and information technology powerhouses are driving ambitious regional growth strategies from their Australian offices.

Organizers expect more than 600 of the world's foremost telecommunications professionals from 30 countries to attend INTELEC 97.

The conference theme, Power and Energy Systems in Converging Markets, is a topical one, as the telecommunications industry merges with the computing and entertainment industries. The event will include more than 100 technical papers, workshops, and an exhibition of telecommunications power equipment.

Conference speakers include leading engineers and scientists from around the world. INTELEC's strength lies in its ability to provide up-to-date, valuable information for designers, manufacturers, distributors and users. It provides an opportunity to discuss a wide variety of power systems, components and energy topics facing the industry on a global basis.

INTELEC 97 sponsors include: Coml0; GNB Technologies: M+H Power Systems; Swichtec Power Systems; Telstra; and Hawker Energy.

For further information contact: Steve Placko, TEL: +61-3-9634-5699, FAX: +61-3-9634-2262, or e-mail:splacko@vnpbnesl.

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