INTELEC® '96 Sets Records

by Sharon Sugarek

INTELEC '96 Publicity Chair

If there was any doubt about the boom going on in the telecommunications equipment business, it was laid to rest at INTELEC '96. By all measures, INTELEC '96, the eighteenth annual International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC) was a the largest INTELEC ever. The conference, held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, October 6 through 10th, 1996, attracted over 1300 registrants from 45 countries and 65 companies exhibited the latest in power systems equipment for telecommunications applications.

The steady growth in the number of INTELEC participants, product exhibitors, technical papers and participants in technical workshops reflects the growth in the global telecommunications industry and the recognition of the importance of power in providing reliable telecommunications services to customers throughout the world. During INTELEC 96, participants explored the latest power theories, applications, problem areas and trends in powering this ever-changing network.

The theme for INTELEC '96 was Reliable Power for the Network of the Future. And attendees had the opportunity to hear 125 technical papers, presented by authors from 24 countries, addressing topics as diverse as design and monitoring of valve-regulated batteries, power distribution and monitoring, broadband powering, dc/dc converter components, physical design and packaging, UPS and inverter technologies and rectifier design. INTELEC '96 registrants also had the opportunity to participate in workshops and tutorials which delved into critical topics such as powering the broadband networks and managing batteries in telecommunications power systems.

INTELEC '97 will be held in Mel-bourne, Australia October 19-23, 1997. The theme for INTELEC '97 is Power and Energy Systems in Converging Markets. For additional information on INTELEC '97, see the events information on:

INTELEC is the international forum for the exchange of technical information on the design, application and performance of power systems and components as integral parts of global telecommunications networks. INTELEC is sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society.

Sharon E. Sugarek, Publicity Chair, INTELEC '96, Lucent Technologies, TEL +1-972-284-2946

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