News of Acreditation of Engineering

and Engineering Technology Programs

By Bill Sayle, Chair, Accreditation Policy Committee, IEEE Educational Activities Board

The IEEE is accepting nominations and applications for Program Evaluators for Engineering and Engineering Technology programs in the USA. If you are a USA-based electrical or computer engineer with membership in IEEE, please consider serving your profession as a program evaluator.

For engineering programs, you must qualify for IEEE Senior Membership. For engineering technology programs, you must be a member of IEEE. Nominations and applications from people working in industry are strongly encouraged. You should have had some association with an accredited engineering or engineering technology program, such as an adjunct professorship, service on an advisory board to an engineering or engineering technology program, or service as an instructor.

The IEEE Committee on Engineering Accreditation Activities (CEAA) and the IEEE Committee on Technology Accreditation Activities (CTAA) have been designated by the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) to have responsibility for accreditation of engineering and engineering technology programs in electrical engineering and electrical engineering technology, computer engineering and computer engineering technology, as well as shared.

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