From Outgoing PELS President Tom Jahns

To: All PELS AdCom Members:

On this my last day in office as Society President, I would like to thank every AdCom member, Society officer, Committee Chair, and liaison representative for your valuable efforts on behalf of PELS during the past year. I believe we can all take pride in our combined Society accomplishments during 1996, and I am confident 1997 will be even better under the dynamic leadership of Jerry Hudgins and his newly-elected officer team.

Please accept my best wishes to you and your families for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. It has been a true pleasure working with all of you during the past two years, and I look forward to more rewarding PELS experiences during the months and years ahead.

Best regards,


Laboratory for Electromagnetic & Electronic Systems (LEES), MIT, Rm. 10-171, 77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA, TEL +1-617-252-1976, FAX +1-617-258-6774, e-mail:

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