Highlights of the October AdCom Meeting

The Administrative Committee (AdCom) of the Power Electronics Society held its annual fall meeting in conjunction with INTELEC® '96, International Telecommunications Energy Conference, in Boston, MA, USA, on October 6, 1996. As reported in the October issue of this newsletter, elections of the Society officers for 1997 took place at that time. New Society President is Jerry Hudgins, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA. Arthur W. Kelley, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, was reelected Administrative Vice President, and Philip H. Krein, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA, was elected Technical Vice President. Appointed by the President, in concurrence with the AdCom, are Secretary Joseph Thottuvelil, Lucent Technologies Laboratories, Mesquite, TX, USA, and Treasurer Réné Spee, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. Other items of business included:

Key actions by the AdCom

Approval of the Operating Guide for the joint Power Packaging Committee.

Approval of the establishment of a Transactions Prize Paper Award with three unranked papers selected each year, each receiving a certificate and cash award of $250.

Assignment of responsibility to the Technical Vice President for PELS liaison with the IEEE Portfolio of Emerging Technologies.

Adoption of the 1997 Society budget with the provision that the 1997 Transactions page count will increase by 250 pages resulting in approximately $30,000 to $40,000 of additional expenses.

Approval of the conference budget for PESC '98 and the PELS Telecommunications Energy Technical Interest Group.

Agreement that AdCom meeting notices and other AdCom-related information will be sent for two years after members have left the AdCom. AdCom alumni may continue to receive such information after the two-year period if they express an interest in doing so.

Action Items to be Accomplished

Chapters Chair Bill Dunford and Technical VP Jerry Hudgins will prepare formal procedures and rules for the Student Challenge competition and a notice on the competition to be broadcast via e-mail to faculty advisors. Dunford will arrange to have the contest procedures and entry form published on the PELS WWW Home Page, and he will chair a committee to supervise the contest. (See page 7 of this Newsletter. Ed.)

Technical VP Jerry Hudgins will develop a model for Technical Committee Operating Guides and will review Society member responses to the new Technical Interest Profile categories to select two prime interest areas for formation of new Technical Committees.

Constitution/Bylaws Chair Keyue Smedley will propose amendments to the Society Bylaws to cover cases of PELS nonmembers serving as Committee Chairs and as ex officio AdCom members, including clarification of their voting privileges.

Meetings Committee Kevin Fellhoelter will develop a policy for reviewing and acting on PELS sponsorship of new conferences.

President Tom Jahns and Fellhoelter will work with History Committee Chair Jerry Foutz to explore options for securing a permanent site for Society archives.

Publications Committee Chair Phil Krein and Transactions Editor Dick Hoft will develop an analysis of future Transactions page requirements for presentation at the February meeting of the AdCom.

All officers and activity chairs are requested to submit annual reports to the Administrator's office by Dec. 1.

The next meeting of the AdCom take place February 23 in conjunction with the 1997 Applied Power Electronics Conference in Atlanta, GA, USA.

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