MMPA Scholars Program

(CHICAGO) - The Magnetic Materials Producers Association (MMPA) announces that applications are now being accepted for the Association's Scholars Program. The program provides two $5,000 awards to individuals doing graduate level studies in the field of magnetics.

MMPA is the Chicago-based trade association representing manufacturers of finished permanent magnets and soft magnetic products as well as those who supply materials and equipment used by manufacturers. Established in 1959, MMPA publishes technical literature and sponsors educational conferences designed to educate users on the appropriate use of magnetic materials.

The MMPA Scholars Program promotes the study of magnetics and magnetic materials, encouraging qualified students entering graduate school to pursue a concentration of study in the field of magnetics. Students applying for the Scholars Program Awards must submit written application to MMPA by October 25, 1996. Award winners will be announced by February 15, 1997. Presentation of the awards will be made at the MMPA Annual Meeting in May of 1997.

MMPA Scholars will be selected to receive a financial grant in the amount of $5,000 per school year. It is anticipated that, during the course of each year, there will be a minimum of two MMPA Scholars. Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $5,000 per school year for up to two years of graduate study. The stipend will be given directly to the selected scholar award recipients.

Each student applying for the Scholars Program must submit a completed application providing the information requested. Preference will be toward graduate students demonstrating a strong interest in magnetics or magnetic materials.

The MMPA Scholars Committee will review all applications at the Fall Meeting of the MMPA and the committee chairman will forward the committee recommendations to the MMPA Board of Directors for approval. Award decisions will be made and applicants will be notified by February 15. Recipients of the award may be invited to attend, at MMPA's cost, the Annual Meeting of the Association held in May.

For further information and application materials, contact the Magnetic Materials Producers Association, 8 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60603, USA, TEL +1-312-456-5590, FAX +1-312-580-0165.

(Editors Note: The deadline of October 25 for receiving applications may pass before this newsletter is received. The documents from which this article was composed were received in August and September. It is suggested that, if interested, a call should be made to determine if an extension for filing an application may be granted.)

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