Call for Tutorial Proposals for PESC '97

The 1997 Power Electronics Specialists Conference (see Call for Papers on opposite page) solicits proposals for half-day tutorials, with emphasis on topics of interest to the power electronics industry. Tutorials topics from recent PESC's have included:

Smart Power Devices (PESC '96)

Conducted EMI in Switching Power Supplies (PESC '95)

Discharge Lamp Ballasting (PESC '95)

Hard and Soft Switching Voltage Source Inverters (PESC '94)

Soft-Switching PWM Converters and Inverters (PESC '94)

Component Models for Simulating Power Electronic Circuits and Systems (PESC '93)

Switch Transitions in High-Frequency Converters (PESC '93)

To propose a half-day tutorial, submit the following materials:

1. One-page abstract. The abstract page should show the tutorial title, presenter names and organization, and the mailing address, e-mail address, telephone, and fax numbers of the corresponding author. The text of the abstract should not exceed 50 words.

2. Optional supporting materials. This might include items such as presenter bio-sketches, tutorial objectives and audience, typical outline, and other descriptive or sample materials.

Deadline for submission of proposals is November 15, 1996, with notification of decision on January 15, 1997. Camera-ready materials are due by May 30, 1997. Proposals should be submitted to:


Dr. Richard M. Bass

PESC '97 Tutorial Chair

Georgia Institute of Technology

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Atlanta, GA 30332-0250 USA

TEL +1-404-894-0560

FAX +1-404-894-4641, attn: R. M. Bass


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