Standards Group to Meet in Las Vegas

The Standards Working Group for IEEE Project P1461 is scheduled to meet at the site of the Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion Conference (PCIM '96), Bally Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. This activity is sponsored by the Standards Committee of the Power Electronics Society. The working group is chaired by Dennis Darcy of Satcon Corp. and cochaired by Mark Harris of the Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility (EMPF). For those who are interested in participating this working group, please note the following schedule.

Date of the meeting is Tuesday, September 10, 1996, Bally's Las Vegas, TEL +1-800-833-3308, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. The subject of the meeting is "Recommended Practice for Power Electronics Module Interface."

The meeting will be to discuss the detailed scope and tasks of project P1461, determine the qualification of the working group members, and look for more volunteers to take charge of some tasks. For more detailed information please contact: Dennis Darcy, TEL: +1-617-349-0927, or Mark Harris, TEL: +1-317-226-5624.

Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai, PELS Standards Chair, TEL: +1-423-576-6223, e-mail:

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