Chapter Development

We have three new chapters to welcome since the last newsletter. There are sole chapters in Vancouver, British Columbia and Saint Maurice, Quebec, both in Canada, and a joint PELS-IES-IAS chapter in New South Wales, Australia. Contact details will be posted on the PELS WWW page ( as they are available. There are also contacts for the proposed chapters such as those in Austria and Switzerland, so I encourage anyone who is interested in local activities to get in touch with the appropriate local contact or me.

The Distinguished Lecturer Program is temporarily inactive because none of the former lecturers are able to continue and new ones are still to be confirmed. We hope to have the new list availabe as of August 1 and details will be posted on the WWW page. I hope we will be able to arrange the first presentations from the new list late this summer or early fall, depending on chapter response.

Just a reminder that $400 is available to start a new chapter and, with prior approval, $500 annual chapter support can be given for appropriate projects. Please contact me with questions for chapter activities.

W. G. Dunford, Chair, PELS Chapter Development, Dept. of Electrical Engineering

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z4 CANADA

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