IEEE Power Electronics Society
Historical Archives
Boeing North American Site

Index of the IEEE Power Electronics Historical Archives maintained by Stephen D. Freeland and physically located in his office at Boeing North American, Anaheim, California.

Freeland Email to Foutz | Freeland letter to Hower
APEC Archives | PESC Archives | PESC Seminar Archives

From: Steve D. Freeland
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 95 09:12:40 PST
Subject: Historical Archives Information


FYI, here's a note I sent to Phil Hower while he was PELS
Historian, regarding the contents of the "archives" here. I'm
also sending three other files that list what volumes I have and
the record (as complete as I could make it) of PESC seminars. I
don't how much use any of this will be for you, but since you're
picking up the historian's position again I thought I'd send them
to you just in case.

Happy holiday,


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March 2, 1994

Philip L. Hower
Unitrode Corporation
580 Pleasant St.
Watertown, MA 02172

Dear Phil,

I enjoyed our telephone conversation on February 7 regarding the
IEEE Power Electronics Society archives. I've attached a couple
of sheets summarizing the information I found in the archives
that Jerry Foutz was maintaining here at Rockwell in Anaheim, CA.

Just recently the Rockwell library gained on-line access to the
IEEE literature. As a result, they "threw out" all their
hardbound copies of journals and conference proceedings from 1988
on. I snapped up the PESC, APEC, and INTELEC® proceedings for the
PELS archives. These are very nice hardbound volumes, covering
the following conferences:

        APEC:     1986, 1988-1993
        PESC:     1988-1993
        INTELEC®:  1988-1992

Of course, PELS may choose to do as Rockwell did, and not
physically archive proceedings that are available in electronic
form. Perhaps it is more important to archive the advance
programs and seminar workbooks--that I think is what you were
suggesting when we spoke.

At any rate, I thought these hardbound volumes were a "great buy"
and laid claim to them.

Let me know if there's anything more I can provide for you.

Best regards,

Steve Freeland

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APEC Items in PELS Archives at Rockwell Anaheim
________________________________________________________ 3-2-94


                Advance  Final    Tutorial  Call for
Year    Record  Program  Program  Notebook  Papers    Other
======  ======  =======  =======  ========  ========  ======
1986      H        x        x        x
1987      x        x                 x
1988      H        x                 x         x
1989      H        x                 x         x
1990      H                                    x
1991      H
1992      H
1993      H

    H = Hardbound copy of proceedings

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PESC Items in PELS Archives at Rockwell, Anaheim
________________________________________________________ 3-2-94


                Advance  Final    Tutorial  Call for
Year    Record  Program  Program  Notebook  Papers    Other
======  ======  =======  =======  ========  ========  ======
1971      x
1972      x
1973      x
1974      x
1975      x        x                                    (1)
1976      x
1977      x
1978      x
1979      x        x
1980      x
1981                                 x
1982      x                          x
1983      x                 x
1984                                                    (2)
1985      x
1986      x        x        x        x
1987               x        x        x         x        (3)
1988      H                                    x
1989      H                          x
1990      H
1991      H
1992      H
1993      H

   (1) Final Report
   (2) Treasurer's correspondence
   (3) Attendee List
    H = Hardbound copy of proceedings

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IEEE PESC Seminar History
________________________________________________________ 3-2-94

(History of PESC Seminars, derived from PELS Archives at
Rockwell, Anaheim.)

  No evidence prior to 1979.

  1979:   Drs. R.D Middlebrook and Slobodan Cuk, Caltech,
          "Modelling and Measurement of Dc-to-Dc Switching
          Converters and Regulators."

  1980:   "Multi-Loop Standardized Control Module Modelling,
          Analysis, and Design" (Workshop. Bob Corbett was in
          charge of the arrangements.)

  1981:   Dan Y. Chen and Morris S. Chester, "Introduction to
          Magnetic Design for Power Electronics Application."

  1982:   P. L. Hower, K. Rischmueller, and E.D. Wolley,
          "Application of Power Semiconductor Devices."

  1983:   Thomas A. Lipo and Donald W. Novotny, "Control of AC

  1984:   ?

  1985:   None (?)

  1986:   "Power Devices and Applications"
                1. Klaus Rischmueller, "Bipolar Junction
                2. Leo Lorenz, "Various Aspects Relating to the
                   Application of Power MOSFETs"
                3. P.L. Hower, "Low Voltage Rectifiers"
                4. Hisakatsu Kiwaki, "GTOs and their
                5. Daniel Artuzi and Bob Haver, "Practical
                   Applications for Power ICs"

  1987:   "Very High Frequency Power Electronics"
                1. Nathan Zommer, "High Frequency Aspects and
                   Design of MOS Device Characteristics"
                2. Nathan Grossner, "High Frequency Magnetics"
                3. Fred C. Lee, "Quasi-Resonant Switching
                   Techniques for Dc-Dc Converters"
                4. Vatche Vorperian, "Quasi-Resonnat Converters
                   Topologies, Models, and Control"

  1988:   "Tokyo Seminar" (?)

  1989:   David L. Blackburn, "Power MOSFET and IGBT
          Characteristics Explained"

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