IEEE PELS Historian Annual Report
March 1996

Historian's (Jerrold Foutz) plans for 1996

1995 Activities

When Phil Hower indicated he could not continue in the capacity of as History Chair during 1996 I was asked by Tom Jahns to resume the position. I accepted based on a plan for using the World Wide Web and our new society server as a repository for PELS historical material.

1996 Activities and Plans

The IEEE Power Electronics Society History page went active on January 14, 1996 at the Internet World Wide Web URL:

Plans call for transferring the site to the PELS web server at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University when the new society server is operational and secure directory access is established.

[Note: Moved to new Server February 1997]

The initial thrust of the site is on the William E. Newell Power Electronics Award awardees. Thomas G. Wilson, Sr. is providing material. I also have several "As I remember it." letters and I believe Phil Hower has similar material, including tapes, that I want to include early on.

A to-do list for activities this year, in no particular order, includes:

  • Cull existing archives for pertinent material for Web posting.
  • Scan in photographs.
  • Actively solicit "As I remember it." letters.
  • Get permissions from IEEE to include the full text of some articles such as Burns' and Kassakian's PELS Transaction articles on our history.
  • Cull our newsletter for pertinent material for Web posting.
  • Encourage members to be alert to capture, retain, and forward historical materials to the historian.

I encourage others to make suggestions for this to-do list and and the Web site as it progresses.

Respectively submitted by

Jerrold Foutz
IEEE PELS Historian
February 1996

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